Killer On The Lose.

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Caroline dragged Joanna's body to the kitchen and taped her mouth, before leaving her on the floor.

She rushed back to the room, changed her clothes, brushed down her wig, added a little powder to her face with lip gloss in front of the mirror, sprayed herself, and went out to answer the door.

Jeremy's back was turned and turned around at the sound of the door opening.

His eyes widened as his lips parted, displaying his teeth as he saw Caroline.

The look in his eyes almost melted her heart, but this girl standing in front of Jeremy had lost her heart inside Evelyn's dungeon. Right now her head was in control not her heart.

She forced a smile as Jeremy pulled her into a tight hug. She pulled back a bit, "Come in." she said.

Jeremy entered and she poked her head out to scan her surroundings before she locked the door behind her, then turned around...

Immediately, Jeremy pinned her back against the wall and locked his lips on hers. She wanted to resist but as soon as his lips touched hers, Jeremy deepened the kiss and he wasn't letting go.

Carl glanced at Evelyn, with "Are you cool with this?" eyes, but Evelyn's eyes were dried and cold, there was no sense of jealousy nor anger in them.

"Tell Ben to go in," she instructed. "I'm sure they will be busy for a while."

"Ben, the package is on the kitchen floor. Bring her out slowly and quietly, don't wake the neighbors up.

"Radio in ones you have the package."

"Copy that," Ben responded, signer to his team to move forward and they went in.

The kitchen door was locked, but they got the keys...

Joe moved closer to the door, looked into the keyhole, and brought out two tiny iron wires to pick the lock.

"We are in" Joe whispers, and they enter the kitchen.

Seeing Joanna on the floor, Ben carried her while the two watched the doorpost with their guards up.

Ben got out first with Joanna in his arms and the rest followed.

Joe locked the door back as if the door wasn't open at all.

"Carl, we got Jo." Ben radios in.

Closing her eyes slowly, Evelyn let out a soft breath,

"Bring her straight to the house," Carl said.

"No. Take her to her safe house, Ben. I will join you shortly.

"Let Joe and Owen stay behind," Evelyn instructed.

"Copy that," Ben replied and signed to the rest.

He carried Joanna to their black van, entered the van, and Ben nodded to Owen and Joe.

They nodded back in return and went to hide in plain sight. Where they could see Caroline's house.


Evelyn carried her bag, took her phone, and put it inside the bag, then took her car key beside the keyboard,

"You don't want to watch?" Carl said rolling his chair and facing her.

"No Carl, that's your field. Record everything, and call me if something interesting is about to happen."

Rolled his chair back facing the computer, "This is interesting," he said jokingly. Evelyn eyed him without any response.

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