Destroy Me!!!

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Evelyn was on a video call with Joanna when Carl came in.

Turning her face to Carl, she said, "Where have you been?" she asked concerned.

Wiggling his head, he replied, "I thought you won't be back until tomorrow?"

Following him with her gaze as he walked towards her and leaned at the back of her seat, "Hey, Jo. Looking pretty as always. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better," tilted her head, Joanna added, "What have you been up to? You look like you got something on your shoulder..."

He scoffed, "You can read my expression through the computer screen?"

"Carl, I've known you for what? Five years ... I can tell when you got something on your mind. You spent most of your days with computers and games, you don't hide your emotions well..."

Sending him a curious eye, Evelyn asked, "Where were you? You know you can't just go out in the open, anyone could have seen you!"

"Don't worry Eve, I took care of every security camera on my way. I was not seen."

"Why do you go out at all, if you need something Ben could have brought it to you," she added concerned.

Arcing his brow, "Yea, I know. I'm not a child."

"What, have you done?" Joanna asked slowly.

Glancing at the computer screen and back at Evelyn, "I didn't do anything... Geez! I just did a little research on my own. That's all."

"Research on what?" Evelyn asked.

"Or who?" Joanna added.

Letting out a deep breath, 'he does not know how to tell Evelyn, because when it comes to Jeremy, Evelyn doesn't listen to reason.

"Don't be mad," Evelyn's expression already changed by just blinking, "but I hacked Jeremy's phone—"

"You what?!" With an angry tone, she turned her whole body to him, "Who tell you to do that?"


Raising her voice, she did not allow him to explain himself, "Did I tell you to hack his phone, did I not instruct you to leave it alone that I will handle it by myself?!"

"Eve, calm down!" Using his hand to indicate calm down.

"Eve, let him talk. He won't have done it without a reason." Joanna added.

"What reason does he have other than he does not know boundaries?" She replied Joanna without removing her eyes from Carl. "Did I not tell you I will handle my husband?"

Carl snapped and raises his voice in anger, "You need to calm your ass down and listen to me because I got something. — " glanced at Joanna, "Something big."

Evelyn looked at Joanna, there was silence for a few seconds, and Evelyn rested her back, "I'm listening."

Carl sat down next to her in front of the system so Joanna could also hear.

"So, about like two years ago, I ran into Jeremy at a client party. Except he wasn't there for the party. — And don't worry, it was night, I disguise myself.

"Of cause, Jeremy did not recognize me, so I sat at the chair next to them, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"All I could hear was millions, and the kind of business deal they were talking about... Sounded nothing like your father's business.

"So when he was about to leave, I intentionally ran into him, he dropped the file he was holding and I helped him pick it up.

" Just for a second, I thought I saw your name and signature."

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