Out Of This Shitty Town

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Jeremy had moved out of the house and sent his lawyer to Evelyn with divorce papers, but Evelyn did not sign them.

When she reviewed the contract, it was a contract she could not sign. Jeremy had changed everything to his name.

Son of a bitch.

Even though Evelyn does not care about the money, because she has her own money. But, there was no way in hell she was ever going to let Jeremy walk away with her family fortune.

When she kept stalling to sign the contract, Jeremy took her to court and she represented herself.

Jeremy had no evidence, therefore there was no strong reason for the court to force Evelyn to sign the papers.

Besides Evelyn presented herself as a loving wife who was still trying to save her marriage. And with Evelyn's connection to the judge — she won.

After the judge dismissed the case, everyone walked out of the court. The place was filled with reporters.

Jeremy went to meet Evelyn, where she was receiving a phone call, and stood in front of her looking ornery.
    He said; "This is not over."

Evelyn looked at him, with glossy eyes and a pitiful continent. She hung up the call.

Jeremy glanced back at her and shook his head, knowing she was pretending. "Cut off the act bitch, it doesn't suit you."

"Are you sure about that?" she glanced at the reporters and Jeremy followed her gaze then he looked back at her.

He breathed heavily, shaking his head. "You're a monster."

Evelyn wiped her fake tears with her white handkerchief, "You know, and yet you married me. This is my arena, Jeremy. You cannot win here."

"Is this all a game to you?"

"This is your game, my dear husband, you are the one who invited me to play."

Without replying to her, Jeremy turned to leave. "I won't advise that..." Evelyn's voice stopped his departure.

He turned back, "Advice what?" he whispers.

"You leaving like that. Look around you," she glared at the reporters and the cameras. "This is what they will write. 'The loving wife Evelyn Bowels was trying to reconcile with her husband, no one truly hear what they were saying but with the looks of things, she wanted her husband back, but Jeremy wasn't making it easy for her...' And more." she said with a devious smile around her eyes.

"I don't care."

"I know."

"So why do you bother?"

Evelyn moved closer to him, lean in, and whispered into his ears, " My dear husband, you're playing a dangerous game, the kind that you might not have time to regret." Jeremy glared at her, "Mark my words as you read my lips; this will end in blood."

"Your blood. I can assure you that bitch."

Evelyn smiled softly, "Miscarriages cost me blood, over a decade of my life with you cost me pain. I can assure you Jeremy, I have paid my due. — So is your girlfriend Caroline."

Jeremy grabbed her wrist violently at the mention of Caroline's name, "Where is she?" he asked almost like a threat.

"Careful now hobby," glancing at the reporters and back at him. "the world is watching."

"I warn you, Evelyn, if anything happens to her; you're dead."

"You should worry about that, not me."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Oh my dear husband, when am threatening you, you will know about it." lifting her lashes with a devilish smile in her eyes. She glanced at the reporter and walked in the opposite direction and headed straight to her car.


Caroline had gotten a new apartment and she had moved in.

Joanna walked in, carrying a big box. "Why don't you pack your stuff from your old apartment? I understand you not moving back there, but I think it is better to move them instead of buying new stuff," she said as she dropped the box.

Placing her both hands on the table, Caroline let out a soft breath. " I know that bitch must have been to the apartment, I don't want to take any chances, in case she might have bugged anything. "

Janna smiled, "How could you know her so well?"

"Because that's what I'd do. The calmness in her eyes while she tortured me — she was enjoying it, I know it, and with that level of satisfaction, I know I was her plaything, she wouldn't just let me go without a way to get a hold of me."

"But don't you think she will have Jeremy followed, knowing that you might contact him soon?"

Caroline smiled, "Oh! I look forward to it Joanna." she moved to where Joanna dropped the box and placed it on the table.
   "The first time was her playground, this is mine... I dare her to show up." glared at the scissors behind Joanna, "Pass me that scissors."

Joanna picked the scissors and brought them to her, but as she stretches forth her hand to collect them, her mind flashed back to the time she was in Evelyn's dungeon when Evelyn gave her the scissors to cut her hair.

Slapping her eyes shut, she began to breathe heavily, "Caroline, are you okay?" Joanna moved closer.

She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "Yes," she whispered.

"Is it your tooth again?"

"No, it's not the tooth."

"I think you should go have that tooth check."

Caroline placed her hand on her cheek, "It's nothing, am sure it from many times she slammed me down with chains."

"Alright. So what is it, do you have a flash again?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

Lifting herself to the table, Joanna sat down, "So what is the plan, now that you've finally settled into a new place."

Caroline smiled wickedly, "Now I reach out to my boyfriend."

"Are you sure it is the right time?"

"Yes." she picked an apple and stared at it before taking a bite, then she removed her eyes from the apple and back to Joanna. "I need to know what his plan is and how am included in Evelyn Williams's fortune."

"Don't you mean Evelyn Bowels?"

"Her father's name was Williams. She changed her name after marrying Jeremy."

"Oh!" Joanna said with a soft breath. "And after knowing the plans?"

"I will make him show me all the plans. And after then — I will kill him."

"Are you sure you can go through with this?"

"When I think of Jeremy I see Evelyn. I'm sure she is all I will see when am cutting him to pieces." she moved closer to Joanna and placed her hands on her lap,
   "And you my partner in crime, we will get the hell out of this shitty down."


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