New Player.

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"Carl, tell me you are calling to inform me you've got something?"

"You don't trust me? Of cause, I've got something. But I don't know if you are going to like what I have."


"Alright. So apparently you are right, Jeremy is up to something.
    He's closing every business deal, and I found out he just bought a nice five-bedroom mansion with a swimming pool in LA. And I believe he's also moving his business there as well because he also purchases office space and a mini-store."

"Mini store?"

"Yes, am sure the office is for him but I don't know what the mini store is for, because he placed it under the name Caroline Bright..."

"Caroline Bright???"

"Yes, do you know who that is?"

"No. Is there anything else?"

There was a silence on Carl's end.

"Carl, are you there?"

"Evelyn!" He breathed out her name.

"It's okay Carl, you can tell me whatever it is."

"I did a little research on the name 'Caroline Bright', apparently, she's Jeremy's mistress. They've been together for years now."

 "Thanks, Carl, I will talk to you later. I've forwarded your balance to your account."

"Evelyn, are you alright? You know you can talk to me about anything. I'm still your boy."

"Thanks, Carl."

Evelyn said and hung up the call before Carl could say anything else.

"So he's leaving me for her? Interesting."

Evelyn took the coffee cup from the table and got up to go and refresh her cup, but as he was about to move, Jeremy stormed into the house and slammed the door.

Evelyn turned and looked at him, she sensed something was wrong, she knew he must know something.

"What is chasing you, darling?"

"What did you do with her?"

She pretended like she did not know what he was talking about, "with who?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

"Don't play dumb with me you psycho bitch. What did you do to Caroline???"

Psycho Bitch. Fascinating.

Evelyn smiled, it was one of those smiles that started around the lips that filled the entire face. "Well, we can finally stop pretending now, aren't we?"

"Pretending," Jeremy scoffed in disgust, looking so ornery with a killer look in his eyes. "If you have laid a hand on Caroline, I swear I will..."

"You will what, boy? " she interrupted him.


"Yes. You were nothing and I made you something. You came from nothing and I brought you to wealth. I was loyal and faithful to you for over a decade, and this is how you repay me, by drugging to lose my babies, cheating on me, taking everything my family worked for... What is your plan after that? Kill me?"

"I'm not going to kill you, you psycho, am just going to divorce you before you kill me the way your father killed your mother."

Evelyn's continent changed, the smile was replaced with sadness and pain, she tried to hide it but tears rolled down her eyes, " You knew." She whispered, then swiped the tears away from her left cheek with her thumb. "There's no point in asking you how long have you known since you've been cheating on me with Caroline for seven years. I can only assume you have known before you marry me.

That means you marry me for my money. So all these times in college, you were pretending?"

"You are even more dumb than you know. Dating you in school was just a stupid bet my friends and I made, knowing you are the richest kid in the school, and no one could come near you. But I did.

After getting close to you I realized you're more generous than we think." A wicked grin formed upon his face. "And thanks to you, we all finished college without having to take two jobs.

I was going to dump your psycho ass right after college.
     But after I found out what you did to Jessica, I decided to stay longer in the game to repay you for all of your kindness.

I don't know how you found out she was my real girlfriend, am sure you had your bitches following me. You think no one saw you, but her little sister did, and since there was nothing anyone could do... You're Evelyn William after all, no one can touch you."

" How do you know about my father?" her voice was faint. Her emotion was mixed with betrayal and disappointment.

"People talk. All you need is to say the right sentence in the ears of the right people who have the right information."

"I've been a fool. I mean, the signs were always there, I just choose to look the other way, because I've loved you from the very first day I saw you.
      And no, I was not having you followed. The evidence always comes to me on its own one way or the other: just like your Caroline, she came into my home by herself, and your Jessica — She came to me and threaten me to leave you alone, that no matter how I force myself on you and bribe you with my money, you can never be mine... That was when I saw the necklace you bought with my credit card on her neck.

You know," she sat down, relax her back, and cross her legs, looking straight into Jeremy's eyes, her face dried and mean. "I don't know what usually gives those girls the idea of thinking they could intimidate me. I must have you to blame for that, isn't it?"

"Where is Caroline?" he asked with a deep tone almost like a threat.

Evelyn got up from the sofa, "Don't worry my dear husband, your girlfriend will call you soon enough. We just had a little girl time she and I."

"If you have laid a hand on her, mark my word bitch, I will leave you with nothing."

Evelyn took a few steps closer, without removing her eye from him. "You know Jeremy, for your sake I hope this Caroline loves you as much as you love her, and she's not with you just for the money." she smiled deviously. "Because if she is, — mark my words, there are some pain that little love can not overcome, neither money can erase, only payback will settle the score.

And this Caroline looks like someone who loves to play. Isn't this fascinating; it all starts with your game. And with the way this game is going, my dear husband... You are going to settle the score.
   It is amazing how Carma works."

Jeremy glanced at her confused, he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Don't look so lost my darling, soon you will understand."

"Understand what?"

"That in every game, there's a loser and a winner."

She moved to his side, tap his shoulder, and whispers to his ears, "Stay by your phone, am sure your girlfriend the newest player in the game; will contact you soon enough." She laugh and walked inside the room.


Hey guys, thank you so much for coming along with this story.

I appreciate all the love.

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