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You woke up early in the morning, quickly brushing your teeth and getting dressed. You got yourself a glass of water and sat in the yard, welcoming the new day's sun, and probably the only peace and quiet you'd have until you'd go to bed.

When you felt like it had been long enough, you started to prepare breakfast for the kids.

'Hmm, maybe pancakes? Have they ever had pancakes before? They don't really seem like the type...'

After deciding that they should try new things, you got to work mixing the pancake batter, using flour, eggs, sugar, milk, and just the tiniest splash of vanilla.

You took out a large pan and turned the heat on low, melting some butter on the pan. You carefully poured the batter into the pan, creating a decently sized circle. You then turned the heat to medium high, placing a lid on it.

After a few minutes, you removed the lid, and seeing the bubbling edges of the pancake, you used a spatula to flip it over, revealing the golden brown top.

You repeated this process again and again, soon making more pancakes than needed.

It seems that the children found out as well, as they all sat at the table, still looking quite a bit tired, rubbing their eyes.

"Good morning you three, did you sleep well?"

The oldest two nodded, the youngest unmoving.

You placed stacks of pancakes in front of them, giving them butter knives and forks and a bottle of syrup in the middle of the table.

"Dig in!"

Shoto looked at his older siblings with confusion which they were able to decipher.

"They're pancakes Shoto, they're really tasty, see?"

The two oldest ate some of their pancakes, playing up how good they were. It was enough to convince the little boy, and soon he had an empty plate.

He silently hopped off his chair, presumably to play by himself.

When you felt like he was a good distance away, you sat down at the table with Natsuo and Fuyumi.

"Would you guys be okay with me asking something about Shoto?"

The nodded, still eating the excess amount of pancakes.

"I wanted to ask where his burn came from,"

There was a grim look on both of their faces, the color washing away from them.

"That's... we can't tell you. Not yet,"

You sighed with a reassuring smile,
"That's understandable,"

They soon finished their food and left, letting you clean the dishes.

After a few hours of housework, you decided to make Shoto more comfortable with you, so you searched for him, finding him in the living room hunched over the kiddie table, drawing something with his crayons.

You approached him, making sure to make your presence know as to not startle him.

"Hey there little guy, is it okay if I take a peek at what you're drawing?"

He seemed to hesitate, hiding his drawings close to his chest. But after a few moments, he decided that anyone who made pancakes as good as you wouldn't judge him, so he shyly showed you his drawings.

"Woah, this is so good! You wanna tell me what it is?"

He leaned over to your ear, whispering,
"It's a dragon!"

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now