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Now why in the world was All Might chasing you? That was a question the public would've asked if they weren't all stupid. It was honestly a miracle that they couldn't recognize the hero without his costume on.

But you definitely recognized him. And judging by the way he was approaching you, he recognized you as well.

Tenko was a bit confused as to why you were running, but at the same time the suspense and tension was a little exciting for him. Maybe you were a secret government spy who went rogue!

Or maybe you were a fake human created by the government to be a weapon and ended up escaping! How exciting would that be!

Eventually you made it back to the house, and you let out a sigh of relief as you locked the door.

"Why were you running away from him? I thought he was a good guy?"

You answered his question,
"Oh he is a good guy, but he-"

The door was neatly ripped out of place and set gently on the floor.

"I'd like to speak with you!"

He looked down at the door he just removed.
"I'll pay for that!"

You sat down on the couch,
"You better! I don't even own this house!"

The pro hero chuckled nervously at your remark, standing in front of you.

"Could I ask why a famous hero such as yourself would chase down an innocent pedestrian?"

Tenko watched the interaction nervously. This was the closest he'd ever gotten to a hero, and it definitely wasn't in the best situation.

"Well, you know, I was just in the area..."

"Sure you were,"

He continued as if you hadn't interrupted,
"And then I just so happened to spot you, and you know, running away when you make eye contact with someone is pretty suspicious,"

He turned his gaze to Tenko, who was guarding you defensively as if he'd be able to do anything.

"Not to mention the boy. Just where did you get him from?"

You pulled Tenko into your lap, reassuring the boy that the two of you weren't in any danger. It definitely felt weird for the pro-hero to be the one who was feared by a child.

"Tenko, could you wait in your room while I talk to the nice man over here?"

The boy hesitated before scurrying off.

"I found him underneath a bridge..."


"That's what I thought! I couldn't just hand him over to the police, who knows what they'd do with him! The foster care system is not to be trusted,"


"Every other possibility would lead to him suffering, and with a past like his, there's a good chance he would've ended up being a villain if I hadn't found him when I did. He needs someone's support,"

He wanted to make an objection, but he knew you were telling the truth.

"You're absolutely sure he doesn't have any family left? Grandparents?"

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now