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"He hired you back?!"

You pat Natsuo's head as you answered,
"Yeah, it seemed he wasn't able to balance is work life and family life that well,"

"So he's not gonna be here as much anymore, just like before?"

You shifted your attention to Touya, who seemed slightly disappointed.

"It's alright Touya, he'll visit more often than before, I have faith that he will,"

It seemed like your words were enough to dispel the gray aura around him.

"I for one am glad you're back. Our father isn't exactly the best at cooking. Or cleaning. Or housework in general for that matter,"

You chuckled at her words,
"I'm glad I'm back too, Fuyumi,"

"I missed you!"
Said the little boy who hugged you tightly.

"I missed you too, Shoto! Did you draw more pictures while I was gone?"

Hearing that, he gasped in excitement.
"Yeah! Lemme show you!"

He stood up and ran over to his room with you following quickly behind him. The other children took that as their cue to disperse and go along with their day.


"And what's this drawing of, Shoto?"

The little boy trotted over to you before examining the paper in your hands.

He gave you a big smile as he spoke,
"That's you holding my hand!"

You felt your heart swell as he spoke to you, and you couldn't help but bring the boy into a tight hug.

"Oh Shoto, you're so sweet!"

He giggled in your grasp having missed how it felt to be embraced by you.

His own father had tried to hug him, but it just wasn't the same.

It was honestly a bit odd to see the child so happy, but you chalked it up to him being just so excited to see you again.


"Hey Fuyumi, could I ask you how things have been while I was gone?"

The girl readjusted her glasses before starting,
"It was hard to get used to at first, especially with our father attempting to be a bit more affectionate than he was in the past,"

She continued,
"Touya-nii seemed pretty happy about the change, though Natsuo and Shoto were a bit hesitant,"

"And you?"
You questioned.

She looked to the side,
"I... I was happy that he'd try to change, but unsure if he'd really go through with it,"

"And did he?"

She sighed before smiling,
"He did. Well, sort of. He's still pretty stubborn, but he's a lot better than before,"

You were glad to hear that the head of the household had become a bit better of a person, though you couldn't deny that you still had your suspicions.


"Now that you're back, can we have fun food again?"

You raised a brow,
"What's that supposed to mean?"

Natsuo gave an annoyed look as he recounted the tales of his father's botched cooking and the gourmet food which wasn't so tantalizing for children his age.

"I wanna have curry! Or stew! Ooh, can we get McDonalds?! Please?!"

You let out a short laugh while patting the boy's head,
"I'll see what I can do,"

That seemed to satisfy him enough, and you heard him run off to tell his siblings.


You knocked on the door,
"Touya? Could I come in?"

No response.

"Buddy, you in there?"

You heard the teen groan before he stomped his way to his door and opened it, obvious annoyance on his face.

"What do you want?"

'DAMN, okay,'

"I just wanted to check up on you, you know, because of the changes that are happening,"

Touya clicked his tongue,
"Yeah, like our dad being too busy for us and hiring you?"


The teen rolled his eyes before shutting his door,
"Just let me know when food's ready,"

You thought to yourself. He used to be so nice to you! What the hell happened?!

Whatever it was, you wouldn't be able to fix it in one day, and you sure as hell didn't want to. Something like this would take some time and a little bit of investigation.

But for now, you'd just enjoy being back.


Spy x family book where ur Damian's nanny is stewing in my brain right now

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now