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I just wanna let y'all know this book is not gonna get romantic because I do not like any of the pro heroes (that are adults at this point) tbh ☠️ I made you exes to add a smidge of drama though because it gives him another reason not to snitch

You woke up in the morning craving some tea. You weren't sure why, but you did.

You hummed softly to yourself as you prepared it, turning to stove to high after filling it with water, setting your tea leaves aside to use later.

Tiny footsteps approached just as the water began to bubble. Without turning around, you greeted the groggy boy.

"Good morning, Shoto. Did you have a nice dream?"

He hummed in response, a little bit too sleepy to fully comprehend the question.

After a bit, the pot of water came to a rolling boil, and you figured it might be a fun experience for Shoto to see it as well. I mean, who wouldn't think bubbling water was cool?

Fond memories of watching the water boil with your mother washed through your mind. Oh how you found such amazement in the way the water danced and bubbled in the pot.

Maybe Shoto would experience the same thing.

Or at least, that's what you hoped.

"Shoto, come here for a second, but be careful!"

He did as you told, and went stepped on a stool to see what you were doing.

"Cool, right?"

Nope. Not cool at all.

The boy's eyes widened as he fell off the stool, slowly backing up into a wall, his head frantically shaking.

You turned the heat off the stove and slowly approached the boy, worried.

"Shoto? Is everything alright bud?"

Not at all!

"I-I don't wanna get burned again!"

"What? What do you mean by that, Shoto?"

He didn't answer the question, incoherent babbling coming from his mouth instead. A mix of "I'm sorry" and other words. His eyes never left the pot, the water still bubbling.

You decided answers weren't important in this moment, but rather his comfort.

The first thing you did was put the pot in the sink, somewhere he wouldn't be able to see it.

You went back to him,
"Okay Shoto, I know it's scary. But I need you to breathe,"

You decided to example it for him, breathing in deeply before exhaling.

"In, out. In, out. In, out,

He was soon calm enough for you to be able to bring him into your lap, though he was still in a state of distress. He hugged you tightly, sobbing into your shirt.

You cooed softly to him, letting him know that you'd never burn him, and that you'd be there for him. Always.

Well you definitely wouldn't be boiling water in front of the boy anymore. But how could you have known? The children never really told you too much about their lives before you arrived, so you decided not to pry too much into it.

You also were never too into the latest news articles also, so if this was in a publication of some sort, you'd have no idea.

The crying soon stopped, though he was still sniffling quite a bit.

"Oh Shoto, my brave little boy. I'm so sorry,"
You said while cuddling him.

He sniffled before replying,
"It's okay... it's not your fault..."

You hugged him a little bit tighter, an action which seemed to give him the courage to tell you about what had happened.

"My mom... she burned me,"

He looked to where the pot of water used to be before continuing,
"She didn't mean to! She just... she just..."

He was on the brink of tears once more. You gave him a reassuring kiss on the top of his head,
"But she still hurt you, even if she didn't mean it,"

The tears fell out of his eyes once more,
"It's because I looked like him!"

He looked at you with pleading eyes,
"I don't wanna be like him!"

You gently rocked him,
"You're nothing like him, Shoto. You're a good kid, you're already better than that man,"

He continued on with his story,
"He always bullied mom. That's why she did that to me!"

He balled his hands into fists,
"It's all his fault!"

You let the anger run its course, and the boy had soon tired himself out. A combination of recently waking up and crying had taken a great deal of energy from the boy, so you decided that it'd probably be a good idea for him to take a nap.

As you watched his sleeping little body, an idea ran through your mind.

What if, like you did for Touya, made him a locket? One that'd get rid of the burn?

You let the thought steep in your mind as the day went on, but eventually scrapped it.

Hiding the burn would only cause more problems later on. He needed to be comfortable with all parts of himself, and hiding the burn would only make the issue worse.


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