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Today in his kindergarten class, Shoto learned about bravery! It wasn't a lesson him or any of his classmates really needed, after all, who didn't know about the plethora of mighty heroes who protected them?

The lesson was entertaining nonetheless, and he told his big brother all about it on their way home.

But suddenly, a loud crash disrupted their conversation. Like the curious children they were, they followed the sound, and soon found what seemed to be a villain standing over a hero.

There was a small crater in the concrete around where the hero laid, dozens of bystanders watched it play out, either frozen in fear or just there for the spectacle.

The hero tried her best to get up from the ground, but the villain picked them up by the collar, a sick grin on their face.

Even as it seemed that the villain was preparing to deal out the final blow, no one came to the hero's aid. Some tried looking for help, others recorded the whole situation on their phones.

Natsuo tried to shield Shoto from seeing, but Shoto couldn't just stand by and do nothing. He had to be brave!

He broke free from his brother's grasp, and began rushing towards the villain. But before he could even get within two feet of them, a giant fist came crashing down on the villain.

Fearing that he'd be crushed too, Shoto ran back to his brother.

"You all seem to be having a good time, awfully rude not to invite me, don't you think?"

From seemingly nowhere, a masked person walked towards the hero, helping them up. Shoto couldn't recognize this new hero, but something about their eyes... there was a sense of familiarity there.

"New look Nemuri? I much prefer it over your old one, a lot less risqué,"

Midnight coughed before laughing,
"Ha! You're still the same as ever, judging my costume choices,"

"I'm just saying, there are children around,"

She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah,"

The villain seemed confused at how casually the two hero's were talking even when he was just about to defeat Midnight.

"Hey! You two think you can take me on?"

The unknown hero clicked their tongue,
"Tch, you know it's rude to interrupt conversations! It looks like somebody needs a good spanking,"

Before the villain could even process what you said, another portal appeared in front of him, a giant fist appearing out of it and punching him into the wall.

Midnight laughed,
"Ha! There's the you I know!"

"Oh come on Nemuri, you know I picked up that type of language because I hung out with you too much,"

Shoto watched as the two heroes talked. He swore he knew who the masked hero was! It was just on the tip of his tongue!

"I trust you can manage on your own now. I've got to get going now,"

Midnight waved to the masked hero as they disappeared,
"Make sure to call me, we've got to hang out some time again!"

Shoto and Natsuo ran home excitedly, wanting to tell their siblings and you about what they had witnessed. Their older sister shushed them,
"Shhh, dad's sleeping!"

Shoto found you completely passed out on the couch.

Making those giant fists and your costume with your quirk took a lot out of you! You hadn't done something like that in a long time, and you weren't sure you had it in you to do it again.

Suddenly the pieces all fell together in Shoto's little mind.

You were so much cooler to him now.

I'm giving you friends because I realized it kind of seems like you're lonely always taking care of these kids and that you don't have a social life

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now