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You knew that Touya didn't want to reveal himself yet, but you also knew that at some point, he'd have to.

Now that Aizawa knew about him, it was only a matter of time before he'd become exposed, and you felt like it'd be better if Touya confronted his father himself.

It was obvious that Endeavor was stricken with guilt for the death of his eldest son, and a part of you had hopes that Touya revealing that he hadn't died would break the pro hero out of his twisted ways.

But it wasn't your call to make. It was Touya's. And you just had to make sure he wouldn't feel pressured to do anything.

He'd been through a lot, and it seemed like he just needed time away from his old life to get into a better headspace.

There were a good amount of benefits to being dead for him. One, he didn't have to go to school, which meant no stupid homework or tests! Two, he didn't feel the constant pressure to improve, to become the perfect hero like his father wanted. This in turn had the effect of strengthening his bond with Shoto, someone who he used to envy. Three, he always got to spend time with you!

But being dead also had its downsides. Even though he used to dislike school, he couldn't help but miss being in a classroom with other kids and having more than one friend.

Having to cower and hide whenever his father came home was also something he very much hated.

He was also tired of having to be someone else. Even though he liked the fake name he came up with, he still wished that Keigo was able to call him by his real name.

So after considering everything, Touya made his decision.

He walked over to you with fierce determination in his eyes,
"Dad, I want to tell my father that I'm alive,"

The concerned expression on your face almost made him regret your words.

"Are you sure? I'll support you either way, but I need to know that you're 100% on this,"

His resolve was unbreakable,
"I'm sure. When he comes home today, I'll tell him,"

You gave him a hug,
"I'm proud of you buddy,"

He hugged you back. He hadn't thought of it before, but there was a slight chance that if his father knew he was alive, then there'd be a chance his father wouldn't want you in the house anymore.

Endeavor would probably want to spend more time with his family, which in turn may lead to a future in which you'd be around less and less.

But Touya had to stay hopeful. He just had to hope that his father would let you stay around. He couldn't bare to think of a future without your hugs.

It was 6:30 pm, and Touya stood ready at the front door inside the house. His father would be arriving shortly. The plan was to surprise his father as soon as he walked into the house, that way, his shock will make the rest of the reveal go a little smoother.

You watched from nearby, just in case things went south.

A car could be heard pulling up in the driveway. Loud footsteps could be heard approaching. They got louder and louder with each passing moment, each one shaking Touya to the core.

He imagined it all. The disappointed look of his father. The anger. The sadness.

He wasn't ready for it.

Not yet.

He could feel his body freeze up.

He couldn't move. He couldn't breathe.

All he could do was look at you with his terror filled eyes as the door began to open.

He wasn't ready.

Hehe cliffhanger

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