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The children eagerly lined up as you scooped ice cream into their bowls, handing them each a blanket as well. They'd never had a movie night like this before, it was probably before... they'd rather not get into that.

You were all able to fit in the couch with Shoto sitting on your lap, with him getting to pick out a movie to watch.

"Can we watch [movie] please?"

You used the remote to find his choice,
"Sure thing buddy,"

All four children were enraptured in the film, though that didn't stop them from asking for seconds on their ice cream. Every now and then, just to spice things up, you'd use your quirk to create illusions in the room to create an immersive experience.

Was the movie taking place in the ocean? Now there were fish in the room.

Was it in a snowscape? Now it was snowing!

It was safe to say the kids enjoyed themselves as they were brimming with energy long after the movie was over, and it even seemed like Shoto had forgotten what his father had done to him that day.

They all played with each other while you cooked them up dinner, with them mainly reenacting the movie. You made sure to check on them occasionally to make sure they wouldn't get hurt, which almost happened due to them not really accounting for Shoto's age.

"Natsu, be careful! Shoto's small, remember?"

He looked to you, then his younger brother, then nodded before going back to playing.

Dinner was just about ready, you just wanted to let it rest a little bit so it wouldn't be too hot for the kids, plus it'd enhance the flavor. But just as you sat down to rest, you heard a loud crash, and then crying.

Rushing over to the situation, you saw a shocked expression on Fuyumi's face while the other three seemed to be at varying levels of crying. You were confused as to what the crashing noise was until you looked down, seeing pieces of a vase scattered on the floor.

Natsuo immediately pointed to his older brother,
"He did it!"

His brother pointed back,
"Nuh-uh! It was him!"

You shook your head, brining all the children behind you.

"We'll figure that out later. For now, I need to clean this up so none of you get hurt,"

You found a dustpan and collected the vase shards, putting them in a thick ziploc bag and setting them aside. You then turned to the children with a stern look.

"Now... would any of you care to explain what happened?"

Fuyumi knew exactly what went down, but she didn't want to snitch on her siblings, same with Shoto. The other two were too nervous to speak, not wanting you to be mad at them.

You could read their expressions, so you squatted down to their level,
"I won't be mad at whoever did it. It's just important that you learn to be responsible, alright?"

Natsuo stepped up to you, guilt in his eyes.

"You promise you won't be mad?"

You patted his head,
"I promise,"

He looked around the room as if to make sure his father wasn't there before he confessed,
"It was my fault... I was playing with Touya-nii and I hit the thing the vase was on..."

Hearing his younger brother take accountability for his actions, Touya also stepped up.

"It was my fault too, I accidentally pushed him,"

They were both surprised to find your arms around them, hugging them.

"I'm so proud of you both for being so responsible! Your both such good kids,"

But that wasn't the end of it, as you pulled away with them with a stern gaze.

"But you two need to be more careful, not everyone will be as kind as I am. You understand?"

They both gulped before nodding.

You stood back up,
"Great! Now are any of you hungry?"

After a hearty meal, the kids went back to playing, and you were able to wash the dishes in record time. There wasn't much else for you to do after than rather than supervise, but even then, Fuyumi pretty much had that covered.

You ended up taking a step outside the house, sitting on a foldable chair on the porch (supplied by yourself). The stars were nice, but not too visible, the smell of cold night filling your lungs.

From the corner of your eye you swore you could see someone crouching on top of a nearby building. It seemed he had shoulder length hair, and was he wearing... a scarf? It seemed he saw you as well, as he soon disappeared into the night.

Thoroughly spooked, you went back inside, getting all the children to bed.

You definitely weren't going to be able to sleep that night.


A nice domestic little chapter I'll make one of them sad either next chapter or the next next chapter also debating whether or not to add romance but I probs won't and if I do it won't be too obvious/apparent

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