(+1) 35. Eclipse

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Shortly after everything. I've come to realize something I've talked about way earlier in this journal that I now just leave to sit in my dresser.

Now that I haven't even opened it in months, just last night I let Heeseung have the right to read through it all he wanted. He feels horrible of course but he mentioned something about what I wrote early on.

The eclipse. How I am the moon and he is my sun. Heeseung along with Jay and Sunoo helped me peel back the dark clouds that covered my beautiful stars.

Me and Heeseung had and continue to have our Eclipse. A forever eclipse if you will, finally able to share the sky as one.

Must I mention something else, everything with my staff has calmed down. Now that I have gained my confidence to talk, they have treated me more human like. I will never understand why they treated me the way they did just because I was mute.

As well as everyone else. I wouldn't say it's all solved because I've never gotten clarification of why they acted like that but I mustn't dwell on the past.

Also back to me formerly being mute, I've decided to get permission from staff and I held a live. I took a while explaining why I didn't talk at first (without giving too much detail).

Fans understood and some even apologized for thinking and talking badly about me. Of course theres ones still out there that will always hate me and think I'm lieing and all but that's not my concern nor care.

One more thing though it doesn't honestly matter. Haena came by. She had flowers and gave them to me. She sat me down and began to explain how Dabin was using her and told her to say all she did and Haena realized how much she really still does care about me.

Considering all we've been through, I knew she couldn't get rid of me that easily. Haena ended up exposing Dabin on the internet and made her lose her job. Haena even sued her and is still in the process of it but said it looks like she is going to win.

I ended up forgiving Haena and now me and her have grown closer. Life couldn't be any better. I have all I need. Thank you Heeseung. If you read this my love, you never have to worry about loosing me.

I love you my bright sun. Let's share the sky forever.

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