They say it's good to have family

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Good morning ma, Good morning grandma. How are you two my darlings,
I feel amazing ma. "I can tell",
he's back to his energetic self.
I have a shopping list can you two can go.
Sure ma. When we entered Aldi Nathaniel placed me in the trolley while he picks up items.
He was pushing so fast we got in trouble by security. Nathaniel was really himself today he was just making jokes also energetic. Honey Cheerios dupe(dupe meaning in TikTok a similar product) frosted flakes dupe,"I'm very glad your with me", "aww ". Then he holds up a glad air freshener i shuck my head. What are some pink stuff doing over there he pointed his finger to the product that was called that.
Big bear i can't bear with you. It was quite a few shopping items but he couldn't hold a lot because his wrist is still not that great.
After we got smoothies. Shorty I don't want you to go today I'll miss you sooooooo much, me to but it's not until the evening so don't worry about that. I'm going to have a panic attack . Stop being dramatic. No but seriously I think I will. Always remember I'm here for you, you can call me and I'm welcomed to your home. What really saying in an exited tone. Yes big bear while I hold his hand. He came and sat next to me giving me a hug also kisses on my forehead. Then snuggles on my shoulder. I'm trying to get his attention but he's not listening to me so I just let him be.

Dad what are you doing here in an annoyed tone. I'm spending time with my mum that you don't have, He griped my hand tightly. Hello there what's your name I'm Stacy, I've heard some great things about you from Angela. But I feel sorry for you that he's with you he's useless and irritating. I was shocked I didn't know what to say.
Nathaniel just lets go off my hand and stomped up to his room i heard his door slam.Why would you say that, because i can, it's best for you to be quiet it's family business. He just grabbed the groceries to the kitchen. So I went to Nathaniel's room he was throwing my stuffed bunny up and down, I call for his attention but he's not listening to me, I sit on the edge of his bed on my phone. I feel his head on my lap sighing. I'm just annoyed at ma why does she invite him unannounced and now that mean's Katherine is here then throws my stuffed bunny to the wall with force. Ahhhgggg, I'm so fucking pissed I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I just let him vent but when I hold his hands while I moved finger circler movement he calmed down. He removed his head from my lap and he hugged me as if I'll die today. I just love you so much, I've never felt comfort like this. He pushes me down the bed and kisses me passionately on the lips then he goes to my neck and my body. then he finally kisses my forehead and cuddles me.

We were watching tv, I hear a knock on the door what he says in annoyance, he's still in the same position, Don't speak to me like that again unless your dad will be involved, sorry ma, food is ready, is Katherine here, yes, then I'm not coming down, oh yes you are, why do you put me through this I've told you what she has done to me and you still invite her!. Nathaniel I'm trying to make you and your dad have a good relationship. If you don't get your ass down stairs Stacy is leaving early. Whatever just go away we are coming. Welcome to my life Stacy it's just be gone it'll be a shit show.

He held my hand down stairs I saw Katherine smile at me. We sat at the dinner table I could tell Nathaniel is uncomfortable so I comfort him with my fingers on his hands under the table. We ate in silence, Nathaniel your grandma has been telling me what's been happening in school. Are u actually dumb or what you just went to that school and been in isolation and been sent home learn how to control yourself. And especially when that girl kissed you, you could have prevented that. It happened so fast and when she did I just froze I don't know why.

That's no excuse Nathaniel be a man.
Excuse me but what he has went through it affected him that's why he froze.
Don't get yourself invol!- ,Don't you speak to her like that she's actually speaking facts.

Nathaniel shut up I haven't done speaking, next time you speak again I'll take you to my house.When I looked at him I could see the fear in his eyes.
And then Katherine was giving me looks ever since I said what I said, it's the nastiest look.
Like what I have said Stacy you don't have the right to speak you only known him for 2 weeks.
But he has told me a lot during those times.
Wait!, what did you say Damien said with rage.
I was shaking was I not supposed to say anything what have I done to him now.
Damien pushed his chair and rushed to Nathaniel's at least he knew he was coming after him but he tackled him to the floor to pin him there and said with each punches on his face and body I told you not to tell anyone what you are going through seriously be a man Nathaniel, you never listen, you are worthless piece of shit and sensitive. I could hear Nathaniel say i can't breath repeatedly.
I looked at grandma and Katherine they didn't do anything but grandma yelled at Damien to stop but never did. So I went up to scene and tried to pull Damien's hands of Nathaniel but instead he pushed me into the wall and I hit my head I sobbed loudly and ran to Nathaniel's room still sobbing.

Nathaniel's POV:
I can't say my dad he's not one none of them are my family they didn't even try to protect me I was struggling to breathe with the punches he took all over my body, but the stomach was the worse. I try to fight him to but he's to strong while pinning me down. The worst thing was when Damien pushed my princess to the wall it broke my heart. When he was done degrading me. I was on the floor I couldn't get up for a while. But when I eventually could I went to my room. Stacy cries.

Nathaniel I'm so so sorry it's my fault.
No it's not I've decided to tell you because I felt comfortable telling you. I layed on the bed and brought Stacy to my chest.
My head hurts while I still cry
Sleep will help it get rid of it .

Katherine's POV:
What does Nathaniel see in this little bitch what can she offer him, he's tall and handsome. How dear she talks about the past. I knock on Nathaniel's door twice with no response, so I open the door to them both sleeping comfortably Aww look at them that could have been me that bitch can fuck off . Why hasn't she taken advantage of him, I mean he's very good looking, especially with his scars that makes looks 10x hotter also tall and skinny. I pull his drawer to sniff his underwear but still being cautious. I do really miss him he was so great at what he did especially with big dick of his.

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