The most normal day

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I went into Stacy's room but she's asleep on the other end of the bed with science revision books and her i pad, i moved them to the bedside table. And joined her. As soon as I went in I do my usual kissing her around the face then went in to snuggle. She did not move once one.

"I love you so much, you're so beautiful princess". I couldn't stop looking at her. On her tablet I drew good morning and a heart over it and left her room.


I woke up quite late I brushed my teeth, washed my face and headed downstairs. I saw Stacy and mum chatting, not going to lie it's nice seeing them get along. I yelled "good morning". Look who's here Stacy said. I went to give mum a hug asking me how was my night. " I was well rested finally", Then kissed Stacy around the face, also pulled her out of her seat so she can sit on my lap.

"Nathaniel, Stacy, I would like for you both to come shopping with me so we can buy snacks". Also I want to apologise for yesterday I wasn't feeling great and felt I didn't make you feel comfortable to stay here Stacy".

"That's fine Aminah I understand why you were sad and you have the right this something so difficult".

"Thank you very much".

"Mum can we get a house tour".

"Omg how can I forget, you could have searched for yourself"

"with the amount of doors I'm seeing I'll get lost easily"

"Probably me as well".

she signal us to follow.

"There's 8 rooms altogether"

The corridor had white paint with multiple wooden doors side to side, we entered the gym, it had all the equipment you could think of with a shower and steam room.

"You can use the gym Nathaniel to build muscle, eating the right food as well would help".

"Then showed us the cinema room. Stacy looked amazed looking around at each detail".

"It's nice to be rich ha"

Then showed her office, lounge room and  the rest of the bedrooms. There was a conservatory which lead to the garden, it was enormous. It had a swimming pool, decor area, barbecue and a water fountain.

"How long did it take for you to build this house".

"2 years"

"Aminah don't you ever feel lonely living by yourself in such a big house"

"Of course it can, but sometimes my security guards come over".

We went back in to get ready to leave. I wore a gray nike tracksuit. I was waiting a while for shorty and mum told to ready, you know women, they take forever. As soon as I saw shorty.

"You're so cute", then kissed her on the lips .

Thanks big bear, your handsome" she giggled. I saw the good morning message, that's so sweet". She smiled widely.

It's time to go now, I hold Stacy's hand. The security guard we normally see was lighskin, buff and had waves on his head. He used his own car driving in front of us driving to Asda which was a 20 minute drive.

Mum got for me, nuts, yogurt, fruits, cheese and chocolate. She also brought essentials as well.

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