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We meet at that corridor holding the phone towards Nathaniel, tell them what happened, but I literally can't remember mum, now!!! She yelled, I can't remember, he stormed off, I run to him and said he wants to be alone. That's ok big bear. I went back to see how Aminah is doing but she went to her room crying while the police was on the phone. It was on speaker but couldn't hear well unfortunately.

2 hours later
He still isn't out yet, but Aminah went to the police station to give her own statement. I knocked on big bears door. No answer so I entered. His eyes were wide open and trembling.
"Oh no what's the matter"
I rushed to the bed laid down and put his head to my chest while I rub his back, tell me when you're ready.
I could feel his heartbeat go so fast, also sweating. I've never seen him sweat before this one must have been really bad. All of a sudden he said where's mum.

"At the police station she's doing her report."

"have they found the devil yet"

"Unfortunately not"

"He can burn in hell. Guess what I had the worst dream in my life".

"I looked at him wanting to know".

"Remember when Damien touched you inappropriately".


"But this was way worse cause Damien and Cathrine chained me to a seat and was forced to watch while Damien raped y-you, sorry for crying, he was being so rough, that you were screaming and crying. I really wanted to help you, but I couldn't move". I'm such a pussy I know it's a dream but why I'm I still crying".

"It's ok big bear, you're not your just someone who has gone through way too much I know it's tough, things will get better".

He took of his top and continued to lay on my chest.
I turned on R and b music.

"I'm so tired but I'm afraid to sleep".

"look at me, you're with me now big bear, you're safe, I love you just the way you are".
He had a wide smile looking into my eyes , "that's what I like to see, you're so adorable". I lowered his head down to kiss his forehead and placed it back to my chest. Staying in the position he's in, he puts his hand under my shirt. Closing he's eyes. I scratch the back of his neck for him to sleep easily, Nathaniel's heartbeat went down again. I also felt sleepy.

Aminah's POV:
I went to the police station giving my own statement which took a couple of hours cause I've been writing them down, reflecting and got photo evidence and recordings from ages ago saved on my usb stick. Pictures of me with bruises on hidden places so as Nathaniel, some places in the house trashed by Daimen's anger. Thank god I had voice recordings when I would hide behind the door in my office and Nathaniel's walk in wardrobe. With Damien's rages and banging on the door. They would always break me cause Nathaniel sometimes had panic attacks, he  always goes to the sensory room in my office to try to calm down well that never happened. When two parents argue the child shouldn't be around but he was always around me cause I'm scared Damien would let his anger out on him. Those things brought flashbacks and definitely were emotional during the confession.

3 hours later I'm headed back home my driver and security is with me, I missed those times it was only me driving and going out freely especially with Nathaniel. I've arrived to check up on Nathaniel. Hearing music in the room I knocked loudly

*knock knock*

No response I opened the door seeing Nathaniel laid on Stacy, my first thought is at least he's ok and calm but my instincts got the better of me. Nathaniel, Stacy!!! I yelled, they both jolt, Nathaniel straight away got off her, "what did I tell you yesterday"!

"She was just checking up on me, then caught me having a nightmare, that's why shes here".

I didn't know what to say. "Well I'll be making lunch". I remember he had nightmares and came to guest bedroom or wake me up from sleep to get comfort from me I always didn't mind since I brought him to the cruel environment. He now has someone else taking my role. No I cannot be jealous he's a grown boy turning to a man soon but he's still my baby. Agh!, I need to stop thinking and relax.

Nathaniel POV:
"I hope she didn't see my hands on your boobs"

"She probably did big bear. Come let's go before we get into more trouble".

I signed and got up stretching out my hand for Stacy to hold. We entered the kitchen.

"Do you guys want a takeaway instead".
Yes I said straight away, Stacy also agreed after a few minutes on deciding on what to eat, we chose Nando's .

"Nathaniel after we finished eating I would like to speak to you privately".

"Ok mum I was worried what she'll talk about"
30 minutes our food arrived we got a variety of things like, halloumi cheese with sweet chilli dip, peri peri chicken, chips, sweetcorn and rice with salad.

After we finished eating mum said let's go and Stacy we will be gone awhile, I kissed shorties forehead and said I'll be back.

She took me to her room. She hugged me tightly and started to cry saying "today has been tough saying what's happened in the past and playing back recordings and seeing photos. It was the hardest especially you being in this situation. I've feel selfish I brought you here cause I wanted someone who would love me. "You really mean that".

"Yes but of course that's not the only reason I've always wanted kids, I've never regretted having you I just wish I ran away. I've always wondered why did I endure all of that pain I've still got scars from him",

"me too mum".

"Can I see then. Yeah, I pull my shirt up she was analysing them her face was filled with horrors and tears. O my goodness and I can almost see your rib cage".

"There's more on my thigh and back", she was just sitting on the couch on the end of the bed while I was standing up going down to her level to hug her. "Aww, you have been so strong I my chubby goodness".
" you're the strongest one mum I'm so thrilled I can live with you again" we hugged for a long time in silence.

"I've got scars too, well I mostly had bruises. She showed me them but could notice a big one on her stomach, mum what's the big scar there, "oh it was when I had you, you were such a big baby, so I had a c-section you were 11 pounds Nathaniel it was like carrying a whale. You couldn't fit into newborn clothes, you were wearing 6 month old clothes".
We both laughed,

"one reason why I missed you is that I can talk to you about anything".

"How's Stacy"

"She's doing fine she's been very strong". Then started talking to mum about how I met her and feelings towards her.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you two I was just protecting the both of you".

"I know what you mean so she wouldn't take advantage of me. Because she's not. I've been in many relationships and she's like no other girls I've been with".

Yes your right but unplanned pregnancy as well, it's not easy and I'm telling you this.

"Ok ok I don't wanna talk about this to my mum ".

"That's fine" she giggled. You can't wait to back to school.

"Nope it's so frustrating especially now they now who my mum and dad is they will talk about the situation cause it's all over social media".

We've been talking for some hours I began to be tired looking at the time it was 10pm. I told her goodnight. Calling Stacy to know were she is.

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