School day

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My alarm set off for 6:30 ready for school I really can't wait. After my shower I put on my white top, blue tie with white stripes, blazer and skirt also combed my straight wig. Headed down stairs feeling so tired. I felt like having frosted flakes so I sat on the island table.


I screamed. "I'm not in the mood big bear"

"Someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed".

"Sorry I'm just so tired".

Nathaniel ate banana while toasting bread. When he was done he came to my chair so I can sit on his lap,  wrapping one of his arms around my waist.

" your looking cute today. Can I see you smile please"

"No I'm not in the mood to go to school everybody hates me and I can imagine it will be worse since the situation is all over social media".

"I hear what you mean and it's best to ignore them"

"Nathaniel your really saying this, you wouldn't ignore them I chuckled.

"You see I made you laugh, but I'll try cause it's no one business".

We finally arrived school it was a long journey, I felt nervous entering I quickly held his hand, people were looking at us and a few girls from different year groups were saying are you alright, we just ignored. Me and Nathaniel are in different forms so we separated, do you know when you have the feeling someone is behind you, so I looked behind and some girl pushed me to the ground. There was a crowed of people so no teachers knew what happened. I got up to show I take no nonsense, then felt things thrown on me.

First lesson was maths so I'm not with him. Obviously the girls had to make a comment by overhearing.

"if I was with Nathaniel I would have already told the police or internet, he has such a great personality also really funny but Stacy is taking that away, I've seen a lot of people come forward about his dad, she's vile for not saying anything".

Then they gave me a dirty look, at least I wasn't sat with them, I was sat by myself on the side since, I've always had problems with the girls. It was the end of lesson and the last one out. I got a message from big bear saying, people were asking if he was alright then insulting me. I did my best ignoring them, well I said don't insult her again in a normal tone. The first thing I'm the centre of attention.

We joined history class which is the worse cause all of the girls loveNathaniel. We both could hear them chatting, it's obvious they want me to hear.

"Stacy is vile I'm sure she knew what was going on and didn't say anything".
"Have you seen young Nathaniel he was so adorable and had to endure all off that bless him".

"Yeah on TikTok I heard Aminah went to the police station to tell her side and explained a lot of details were there".

Amelia started to chant and the rest did. Chanting Stacy is a vile bitch.

"Erm girls that's unacceptable". In a really harsh tone.

Nathaniel's POV:
When I heard that I lost my screw and yelled at them my teacher was trying for us to stop. But couldn't.
"You don't know the whole story and I'm not going to say since it's non of your business. And don't you ever insult Stacy in your life unless I'll deal with. you"!!!


"No miss you will allow them to say stuff like this then they will not get any consequences.

"Go outside or else I'll get the headteacher. And girls after this lesson I'll be speaking to you".

"You better give them a detention-"

"Nathaniel just be quite your embarrassing me, let the teacher deal with it"

" don't interrupt me. Stacy but everyone is being horrible to you. I told my whole class to just stop talking about it it's a sensitive topic and don't ever insult Stacy again"

"Nathaniel enough, just go outside you are embarrassing me.  The whole class told me to shut up. I stormed out and ran to the toilet.

Nathaniel POV:
I don't understand what I did wrong I'm defending her. When she ran out of the class I was out of control throwing my chair and telling the girls off. The headteacher came and had to drag me out of the class literally. In his office he gave me a fidget toy and explained by the last period we'll do an assembly about bullying and privacy the teachers have brought that to my attention. The headteacher asked if that's alright. I said yes.

Stacy's POV:
It was now lunchtime I was trying to avoid Nathaniel. He saw me and asked if I was ok. Yes now leave me alone please,

"Why you being difficult Shorty".

"because when you defend me it gets worse the girls have been barging into me, throwing stuff at me and calling me names, when you interfere it gets worse"

I just walked off and Nathaniel wants to make a scene since I don't want to listen to him.

The rest of the school day Nathaniel couldn't let the teachers deal with it, I told him to be quite many times, we even got into an heated argument. " if you just get your mouth shut the girls will get in trouble not your so annoying". Don't talk to me like that I'm defending you get that in your thick head". Also to makes things worse the girls got involved and sided with him. Basically we didn't even do learning almost the whole school day.


(Only my year group attend this assembly).

"Today my staff have brought to my attention that a lot of bullying has happened and a lot of you have been attacking one person for a while and it's getting out of hand. You need to realise how it can affect someone's mental health. Also you don't know what situation has been happening to certain students and it's non of your business, especially if it's all over social media. It is a sensitive topic for someone to voice out, because they're could be threats or danger to life".

Then showed slides of mental health or suicide line to call if you're going through something. And a clip demonstrating how bullying can affect someone.

When the headteacher was done, Nathaniel made everyone hear him. "If I see anyone or hear that Stacy is hurt, I know you all are girls and I give no fucks, I'll deal with you". His tone was dead serious and the teachers tried to intervene but Nathaniel was 100 times louder. Then people on my row and in front of me looked at me. This is the worst day of my life.

It's finally over and I had a horrible headache and couldn't lift my head up, I went to the medical room and was called for Nathaniel mum to pick me up since they knew my arrangements. It was only 30 minutes left of school, so they made Nathaniel go home as well.

The security guard came with his black Mercedes Benz, Nathaniel was trying to talk to me but I just ignored him, I was laying my head on the window, it's now a migraine. Nathaniel pulled me so I can lay down. He said I just want to make you comfortable. Big bear stroked my face. The rest of the ride was silent.

As soon as we got home Aminah wasn't here so I went straight in my room.

" do you want me to stay with you"

"Can I be alone for once in my life".

"Agh ok then I was just defending you"

" I'm not talking about it now I've got a mad migraine"

My head was banging I just took off my shoe and went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep I wished I did, I wished big bear was here, but I'm not happy with him. I hear the door open. "I've got paracetamol and water for you, remember I love you". He kissed me on the cheek and left. He sounded upset. I kind of feel bad for upsetting him, but I felt embarrassed the whole day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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