Aminah's story

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Aminah's POV:
"Do you have any questions Nathaniel you deserve to know everything",
"I've got lots, how did you meet Damien".

"It was in 2000, when it was the Mobo awards. And I was hosting the event and interviewing the artists and guests. That was my first time meeting him in person. So obviously I interacted with him he was being flirty towards me, I was trying to be  professional. Then the media brought us together cause they are saying they can see a thing between us two so did I as well. Somehow he got my email within a week when I last saw him. And we became friends for a while. People loved us two on the tv screen when I interview him or in events. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend. The public really loved the relationship and wants to know every aspect of it. We were an attractive couple and I had great personality. He then asked me to be his wife, we were only together for 2 years. so that boost that up. A tv broadcast wanted to film our wedding so people could watch it on Tv that's how popular our relationship was".

"Where did it start to go downhill".
"We were in love for the longest time but, I think he got jealous of how popular i was than him which also involved in money as well. than he started to put me down by saying negative words, he would start arguments for no reason and blame stuff on me. It was confusing because it came out of no where, I've tried my best to fix it, and hide it from the public, when people used to interview us, he would say people don't need to know what we are going through, let's just be a perfect couple and everything will be fine. I don't know why I didn't speak out for ages or even stayed. It became worst when I had my own talk show and presented Loose women, because of certain topics we would talk about it would link to what I went through. Basically I would speak in experience but use other people's stories or made up.  For example, domestic abuse, children with special needs, relationship talk, women's health also personal life. I've always liked being real to my viewers because that's Better than being fake of course. It was hard especially Damien would watch them so I don't slip up. So when I was with him I was never myself and people did catch on that so I left loose women because it was too much pressure. I lost friends due to withdrawing myself which I became isolated. He just hated me. I've had a 3 miscarries due to stress, anxiety, and Damien harming me, also Damien not wanting kids. We lived in the same house and hated each other. I just told him do whatever you want I don't want you anymore, he got really violent, I don't even want to state what happened next. Then I got pregnant with Nathaniel, I remember saying , you don't have to do anything with the child but I really want it, I'll be doing everything as if I'm a single mother. I begged him then he finally agreed. And pretended we were a happy family".

"You are really strong mum I also agreed". Big bear went up to Aminah and hugged her kneeling down bearing his head on her shoulder, I felt awkward so I did hug her, she is full blown crying. I went back to sit so she can have the moment with her son.

"Then you were born I loved every second of it because you always needed me. You are definitely brought to earth from God, Damien was still putting hands on me when I was pregnant and you still survived. Without you Nathaniel I would have ended my life. I loved when you cried because you always draw my attention from the hell I'm living in, I love you were clingy to me, cause I love spending time with you, I know I'm a mother I should have not done this but I told you how I feel cause i had no one to tell and cry in front of you. When you were born I knew what love is. It's someone who is always there for you, have your time and number 1 interest, you did all of that by, checking up on me, the cuddles and the kisses you gave, making me laugh constantly, always needing me, although you had ADHD, it never hindered my relationship with you. I used to call you chubby goodness, because you were chubby since birth to 6 years and obviously brought goodness to my life. Damien always used you against me. Whenever we went out as a family he acted like he never abused us. The holidays were always fun also full of memories. So as events".

I was struggling to say a few sentences. Thank god Nathaniel is here with me comforting me as he always did when Daimen made me feel less as a person. I've always thought he was so powerful I was afraid talking back. I could not stop breastfeeding Nathaniel until he was five. But it was so relaxing, it brought us closer , it made me feel powerful as I'm protecting him and felt amazing.

"Big bear I think you should get one of your fidget toys, you're shaking a lot. I know you're filled with anger".

"You're right".

He got up so furiously, and his facial expression were dark. Aminah looked at me and smiled, saying "thank you for taking care of him, you deserve everything. He's been saying amazing stuff about you. Just to let you know he loves you so dearly. I know he can be difficult but it really shows you're for him and you're strong and beautiful dealing with all of his emotions he cannot control".
"Thank you".
I am Feeling grateful she likes me. He came back with his blue spike stress ball. As soon as he sat he asked "did you leave because you meet someone". No, I ran away to go to Somali to go back to my family.

"He's a liar then, he stated, your mother left cause she's with someone else. That's why she never comes home early".

"I didn't come home early because i had my show to do rehearsal's and been presenting Nathaniel".

"Wow, you know how hurt I was when you left mum, it got really worse for me, he made me leave school. Damien exploited me, doing modelling when I wasn't in the mood, being on other famous people's and small creators social media being in their videos bringing lots of views and I'm sure the money I was supposed to have, Damien kept it for himself. Speaking about that I just remembered I've been locking my mind with this but I was forced to go parties full with adults, and some men and women were touching me also giving me alcohol, I remember seeing other children there. Dad I mean Damien, knew what was going on but he didn't care. "What!!!" I said breaking down in tears again sitting down putting my face on my head, "me saying sorry won't cut anything"

Stacy's POV: "Omg", I burst out in tears as well and big bear came up to, taking me off my seat, he sat and but me on his lap face on his chest saying it's ok. No it's not ok!!! I continued yelling.

Aminah's POV: this was the last straw I'm taking action right now, my heart was hurting. "It's like it's never ending". I just shouted,"I'm calling the police".

Stacy's POV: "Big bear you've been through a lot and you're still, saying it's ok"I cried, "come let's go to the Sofia so we can lay. To be honest I am numb now, I haven't done anything, only exist even that I wasn't supposed to. Since you came into my life has been so much better". I looked up smiling at big bear, is it because I give you peace.

"Yes I've mentioned that a few times". He was caressing my arm, whenever he says that I feel a little bit better, because I feel like this relationship is progressing.

"This is random shorty, but i just don't get the hype of sex. I know I'm an attractive person but everybody just wants to touch me, it's weird. "So what about this morning then", I was scared that I did the wrong thing, next time I'll wait for him to initiate it.

"It was nice shorty it felt different than other people doing it to me."

"Then I know why you don't enjoy it, because it's not with someone you know, like or comfortable with, you're probably thinking just get off me, already and not thinking on how it feels".

"You are so right but at times it did feel good and I was always guilty of that. That's why I always hated myself because I'm dirty".

"That's what's it's created for. It's just sad that it's someone you're not comfortable with.

"How do you know this".

"I've watched romance movies for adults".

"At least that's off my chest I just wanted to tell you so we can move forward in life, I love you so much for understanding".

"You're welcome".

"We should probably check on your mum".

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