A new chapter

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Yes it's me I really missed you. The hug was really long, I was taller than her now. I felt tears seeping through my shirt. Mum I need to lay down. Of course she said. "Where have you been, how did you get in here".
"I know you would have a lot of questions to ask I'll only say this cause you look Nausea's and don't want you to think a lot about it until you are better".
"Luckily I kept your birth certificate to show proof.

" I went back home to Somalia for 5 years, to see my loved ones and came back thinking I'll get you one day".
"Did you leave because of Damien"

Oh yes for sure, he put me through hell. I really regret for not running away with you, it really broke me, I always thought about you.

"Then why didn't you!!!"

"I know he would go to court and start the co parenting thing, he would make my life even more difficult. I don't want to see his face anymore".

"Well that sounds selfish, dad was right you are selfish"

"Ok I know your angry but don't talk to me in that tone, we should stop talking about this until your better".

"Ok whatever"

Aminah POV: Wow I just can't believe I finally meet Nathaniel again he's such an handsome boy, but he looks way to skinny, I regret leaving him behind with a monster, he was my god given baby although I'm a atheist. I believe there is someone greater. I've had 3 abortions', because Damien didn't want children, but I did. When it was my 4th pregnancy I promised Damien I'll be the one taking care of him. When I had Nathaniel I found out what love is. He's snoring peacefully, I remember most nights he had nightmares or just didn't want to sleep alone. I can't wait to get to know him again.

Arriving to the hospital I only expect to big bear but, I see a woman brown skin with frizzy long curly hair and a lovely smile, I loved her henna she looked exactly like Nathaniel . When I knew it was her I gasped. I assume you already know me, nice to meet you what's your name"

"I'm Stacy and I'm Nathaniel's girlfriend"

"Oh wow that's great hope all goes well, hope he hasn't been annoying, she laughed".

"He's very tough to deal but he's loving and caring , how's Nathaniel"

"Still not feeling great sadly"

She's welcoming I'm not gonna lie, she wanted to get to know me. We talked for a bit. She asked if I was alright. I said yes. I'm so sorry what happened. I just can't believe it happened to me. I don't wanna talk about before I cry. We sat in awkward silence. I was sitting on Nathaniel's bed. I felt a poke on my back, finally he's awake. He says hello to me and gives me a hug straight away.

"I wish I could've comfort you yesterday but I was so weak"

"Don't worry I understand".

"Are you ok"


"Are you sure"

Big bear didn't let go of me, he gave me back rubs then eventually i started to cry. Let it all out he said. Aminah said I'll leave you two to be alone. But why me. Stacy I've tried to help you all I could, you did thankfully by the time you got up Damien didn't go inside me. "He was touching you Stacy, I was trying to get up with all of my might". "I was just thinking positively". "When I see him I'll kill him and I mean it, what he did was horrid". We both cuddled in silence for a while, until someone entered the room.

Aminah and a nurse came in. Gave Nathaniel his medication. I've got good news Nathaniel I've spoken to the social worker and your staying with me now. Big bear cheered I was so happy for him, he hugged me and said thank you so much I'm grateful for all you have done and kissed me all over the face. Thankfully the police has got him. Erm they haven't got them yet I was afraid to say. He started to hyperventilate don't worry they won't come. Then he started to breathe faster. Omg calming breath Aminah and I said together, she signaled me to continue. Remember breath through your nose slowly breath out I said calmly, I was holding his chest, you are doing well, you are fine. Nathaniel was struggling to breathe for 20 minutes. When his breathing started to control he laid  down holding my hand sleeping again. Aminah said you handled it very well. The nurse ask does he normally do this, yes if he's really anxious or has a memory of Damien and Catherine especially nightmares.
"It's PTSD he needs to talk to his therapist about it".
"I'll do so".

"Stacy can I tell you something, I was wondering if you can live with me until Damien is in jail, because I know he would try and find us or hire a hitman he's done that to before when I ran away with Nathaniel. Also I have high security around me and a bodyguard is always by my side". "I'll have to tell my parents". "Of course I'll speak to them as well". "But I haven't seen my phone". "Actually I saw two on a table". She got both of them and I picked the one which was mine. Mum I called, I explained what Aminah said so did she, my mum and dad agreed and will bring my stuff today. "I thought my mum would fan girl over the phone". Aminah laughed, "I respect her for that". It's kinda weird she has seen Nathaniel before and I have no idea who they were.

It was night time now and my parent, brother and sister came to brought my stuff I had extra from grandma. My dad and mum lectured me to behave and respect Aminah ," you know I'm a good child, I never went outside with anyone before". "I'm talking about the other thing I'm not going to talk about". I'm trying to hold in my laugh so as big bear and my brother . I said ok. We all hugged good bye, me and my brother are really close I'll miss him a lot.

We were finally discharged from the hospital at least big bears headache wasn't bad. We were in the main entrance and people got their phones out recording us. It's good she had a bodyguard, "don't worry you'll get used to it". Life would be interesting now. A white Range Rover awaits for us.

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