I've had enough

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I think I really upset her will she ignore me because my dad did that when I misbehave, he'll do his usual beatings or the silent treatment . What I'm I going to do without Stacy, today in school it was really hard to concentrate, I was just focused on Stacy and how to apologise to her and her family. I've literally done no work just staring into space playing with my stress balls. Not focusing what's going on around me. Even my grandma has tried to cheer me up, as I love to go drives she wanted us to do that but I wasn't in the mood also order a new game I wanted on my PS4 but still said no she tried everything . I've just stayed in my room holding Stacy's childhood stuffed bunny and looking at videos and photos we took on replay. Obviously I've called Shorty multiple times no answer like what have I done to her. It's not like I've argued with her. "She's being a bitch... omg no I can't say that, why did I just say that", I walked forwards and backwards in nervousness. "You know what I'm tired of this people ignoring me when I do something wrong".

Grandma tells me I'm staring therapy next week and I'm not allowed to tell what I've been through unless i won't have a family and they won't even believe because I'm a boy. Although the week has just been too much to concentrate and still haven't seen Stacy has her leg needs rest. Amelia back to her usual. At least  I've controlled myself by just not answering her back remembering what Stacy has said. Im still surprised there isn't any evidence of her fight with Stacy, she really planned this and must have told everyone not to record, well Amelia is popular so she has respect from people. The teacher are stupid for not kicking her out because there's no evidence well it's clearly shown on Shorty.

I'm very nervous I don't know how the conversations will go with my therapist it's. I've arrived, it was a women she had brown wavy hair, she had soft hazel eyes and tanned she looked to be in her late 20s.
"Hello Nathaniel my name is Bethany you can call me Beth if you want, how are you".
"I'm good I guess".
We both entered her room.
"It's ok we can talk about you I would like to now you."Your Grandma called for a therapy session for a potential ADHD diagnosis and you've been really down over the years". I've got a few questions to know if you have ok".
"Ok sure".
"How difficult do you find concentration to things".
"If I'm interested in something I really concentrate but not I'll just change the subject or start to fidget."
"Do you forget things like, time or important events".
"No Beth".
"How often do you fidget or feel restless".
"All the time literally".
"Do you know how to control your emotions."
"No but I'm working on it".

"Ok that's all what I have said you got most of the questions that means you have ADHD
"I've figured I've had that ages ago".
"Why's that."
I've explained why by my experience since I was a child but choosing the right words to say before I say to much I was fidgeting with my hand while I explained those stuff it give me a lot of flashbacks.

"Nathaniel are you sure you're ok you seem uncomfortable you know you are totally free to say whatever you want here, it's a safe place to exp ress your feelings and I won't judge at all."

"Yes I'm fine I'm just nervous that's all".
"Do you want to explain why."
"I have a girlfriend we were going amazing but I got into an argument with her family, she hasn't spoken to me for a week and I really love her and it seems like people doesn't want us to work it's always no peace".
"Things won't go as they plan but if you know you two know how your relationship is everything will work out trust me".
"I'm sure it will Beth".
"I want to get to know you more by telling me your childhood.
I had good parents they were always there for me, we never struggled since my dad has his own business . But I live with my grandma now because I'm used to her more". I was shaking a lot.
"Nathaniel it's ok to feel nervous people don't have the best outcomes with their family but it sounds great so far, I've noticed you are shaking there's probably more to the story if you don't want to talk about it it's ok".
"Thanks everything is alright".
"What do you want to talk about today Nathaniel".
My girlfriend she makes me happy and always makes me forget everything negative she really understands me". Bethany was really smiling at me.
"That's beautiful to hear".

I talked more about her and how we meet, also my grandmother, mom and dad I only spoke about the happy memories, I had to make up some of them.
I'm quite happy I came, I now know I have ADHD, Beth has given me advice for controlling my emotions, she has given me a notebook to write down how I've been feeling, also breathing exercises whenever I feel overwhelmed, if a panic attack happens.

Sorry for the late update I've been thinking what to write for this chapter.

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