What has she done

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That date was an amazing time but good things always comes to an end.

I saw big bear coming to my direction on the bench.
Hey girlfriend, hey boyfriend, we both hugged a lot of people were congratulating us, it felt like the whole school did. But none of girls did they gave us two looks and finding a way to annoy Nathaniel so he gets into trouble, which they achieved so now the head teacher has to speak to him at the end of school because he was cursing and throwing his outbursts which I could not control so you know he's really pissed off.
Nathaniel I need to go home because I need to look after my sister.
You can't wait for me
Sorry no I can't
Agh ok. He kisses me on my forehead.

At the end of that annoying lecture, I decided to go to the shops to buy a drink i saw a big crowed of people in a alley close to the shop I wondered was happening so I went towards it and someone shouted shes here, I don't who so I stood and watched at the back and I saw Amelia come towards me and slaps me across the face hard than drags me to the front of the circle.

I told you not to speak to my man. She pushes on the floor but I was already laying on the floor I felt kicks and punches, people were shouting fight, fight, fight I try to but a felt a lot more people on me ether pulling my hair punching my face and stomach and stomping on my leg. I was screaming in agony.

Nathaniel's POV: I wanted to go to the shop to buy Stacy's favourite sweet because I felt sorry for how I spoke to her, she was only trying to help me. I heard on the other side another school fight but I heard female screams so I was curious, I ran towards it and couldn't see so I asked who fighting who, a girl said Amelia and Stacy. That's when I barged in peoples way to make to the front. I screamed to get the 5 girls hurting my angle to get there attention.
Sorry Nathaniel I know you want me now just look at that ugly beast.
I carried Stacy bridal style. Crying while I run away from the crowed. I sit her in one corner on my lap laid trying to wake her up. I saw a black eye and her lace frontal riled of and it was bleeding so as her nose, arms and legs were bruised badly. I cried . I put my face on hers still crying hysterically.
I felt someone tap on my shoulders.

Should I call 911 for you.
Oh yes please how can I forget trying to form my words. I coutine to cry forgetting about everything else.
I heard the ambulance.
The ambulance men quickly put her in the stretcher then a breathing mask. I went in the ambulance with  them holding her hands.
Sir, sir who is she to you
My girlfriend
Do you know what happened.
Not really I only heard really loud screams and 5 people fighting her at once but when I saw her I quickly picked her up.
We're you involved
No these marks were from something else.

When we got to the hospital I wasn't allowed inside the room and I started my outburst again.
Please I want to see her I really miss her
Sorry were not allowed if you continue to behave like this we can kick you out the nurse said.
No please no. Just remember what Stacy has said breathe just breathe he got out the Rubik's cube out of his bag
Do you have any conditions because I'm noticing something.
I'm not diagnosed but schools have been saying I have ADHD.
Are you seeing a therapist
No but I told my grandma about it but doesn't approve so as my dad can I have one.
Sorry you would need an parent approval because of your age.
All right whatever
Who has taught to be calm like that
My girlfriend that's why I love her so much she understands me and is patient.
That's great I hope you two a great future

Shit ma is calling
Why aren't you home yet
Something happened to Stacy and she's in the hospital.
I don't believe you Nathaniel
I'll show you a video call right now
Oh I'm coming right now.
I was just walking around the hospital thinking the worse.
Nathaniel meet me at the main entrance.
You alright Nathaniel
I'm fine ma
No your not we can talk about it
No not now
I've contacted Stacy's family they are on there way.
I'm really nervous meeting them and in the worst situation.
Me and my grandma sat in silence while I play with my rubixs cube until I heard hey Angelia. I looked up and saw Stacy's mum, dad, brother which looks older than me and her baby sister.

Her family said hello to me and being nice which I find hard to believe, while her sister said daddy he looks scary,the parents said you shouldn't be saying stuff like that. I'm amusing it's because of the Bruises on my face. One hour later the nurse came up to me and said you are able to see her now I was so excited but out of respect I let the family go.The doctor needed to confirm it's her family so they went away in the next 30 minutes. Me and my grandma went into the room.

When I saw Stacy her black eye were showing me and they removed her lace frontal I had to control my emotions which was hard so I hold my grandmas hand so I don't harm anyone the doctor explained what she has.
So we have done some check ups and she has a bruised rib which is why she is wearing a breathing mask because she is struggling to breathe and her body shut down because of the trauma her body went through.
How long do you think she would wake up
Probably up to 2-3 days.
What I wanted to cry but I wanted to show I was strong.
Ok Nathaniel I'm leaving you alone with her which I think you would need.
Ok ma thanks.
I Hold Stacy's hand I could not stop looking at her then I kissed her forehead and whispered I know you can get through this you are strong, I don't want to lose you then I broke down in tears, I'll deal with the people that's was involved I don't give two fucks if they are girls ,my princess hasn't done anything.

Nathaniel it's time to go. I don't want to. Agh stop with this tomorrow you can stay over night until she's awake but you will still be going to school and make sure you attend because I'll know. Just to let you know I've contacted school to let them now if you cause trouble or your upset they will let you stay in the quite room for the rest of the day and one teacher will support you in your work.
Ok ma that's fine as long as I can stay over.

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