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"Babe, you're sure it was okay for me to show up here?" Yeji squeezed her girlfriend's hand, as they walked through the door of the luxurious apartment where the firm party was hosted.

"Of course. Everyone is here with their partners and I'm the lucky one to be with the prettiest girl." Ryujin whispered in her ear and then kissed the skin behind it, knowing how much the brunette loved it.

"Smooth one, Shin. You'll get luckier when we're home." Yeji kissed the corner of her lip. She had no issue in mingling, but she was still a pretty well-known face in Seoul and didn't want to take any attention away from the raven-haired. The party was about her achievements in the firm.

"I'll introduce you to my coworkers." Ryujin rested a hand on the small of her back to navigate them through the crowd of lawyers and partners, drinking and making informal businesses despite it being a party. "Yeji, this is Felix and you know Chan already." She pointed to the other guy, who also happened to be her roommate.

"Nice to meet you, Felix." She extended her hand out for him to shake, when a familiar face caught her attention. "Jacob?" She whispered to herself, but it was loud enough for the other guy to turn around towards the source of that voice.

"Yeji?" Jacob left his drink on the table and walked toward the group, catching another pair of eyes that were witnessing the exchange with curiosity.

"Jacob. What are you doing here?" She didn't know what to do. Was she supposed to hug him? He had been the closest thing she had to a best friend, before the fallout with Minho happened.

"I could ask you the same thing." He pulled her in for a short hug and then took a step closer to Chan, who closed the space between them and casually rested a hand on his side, with familiarity.

"Oh..." Yeji nodded in acknowledgement and looked back at her girlfriend, who still looked confused. "You're Chan's boyfriend and +1." She smiled softly.

"This is the boyfriend you haven't stopped talking about?" Ryujin extended her hand for Jacob, to introduce herself. "This big boy here never stops rambling about you...you must be one of a kind, huh?" The raven-haired smiled in amusement.

"Shut up, Shin." Chan groaned in embarrassment.

"Not my fault you're whipped." Ryujin and Felix laughed, but when Yeji sent her a death glare she faked it with a cough.

"Speaking of..." Chan smirked triumphantly.

"You're with her?" Jacob was surprised. He had read about Yeji's open sexuality, but going for such an attractive woman - even younger than herself - was a great move.

"Yes, we've been going steady for two years." Yeji reached behind herself to grab onto the raven-haired's hand.

"Going steady? Who says it nowadays?" Ryujin kissed her temple and averted the elbow aimed at her gut, by sidestepping it.

"I do." Yeji pouted at the raven-haired, who just leaned in and kissed her softly.

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