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"Over there." Yeji spotted him before Ryujin could and squeezed her hand, as she led them to a further corner of the fancy restaurant. "Mr. Shin, long time."

"Now, what did I say about calling me Mr. Shin?" He pulled her in one armed hug. "You're becoming my daughter-in-law in a couple of months."

"That's true." Yeji chuckled and took her jacket off, draping it over the back of her chair when a waiter helped her in her seat. "Thank you." She nodded to him with a smile that made him blush.

"Tone the charme down, love." Ryujin dropped in the chair beside hers and leaned in for a kiss on her cheek. It was Yeji's turn to slightly blush. "Dad."

"Ryu." Mr. Shin took his seat across her daughter and waved the sommelier over, to order one of the finest bottles of champagne they had.

"What are we celebrating?" Ryujin looked up from her menu.

"A man cannot be happily dining with their daughter and successful fiancè, without having to hide some ulterior motive?" He chuckled, draping an arm over the back of the empty chair beside him.

"Any man? Yes. You? I don't think so." Ryujin closed the menu with a soft thud. "You just ordered a 2,500$ bottle because you're happy to see us?"

"Mr. Shin, that's too much." Yeji tried to send it back but the man held his hand up. He wasn't going to change his mind.

"Ryujin is right." He sighed in defeat, while Ryujin smirked across from him. "I wanted to give you this." He reached inside his suit jacket and handed her a folded letter.

"What's this?" She took it and kept it folded, face down on the table.

"It's time for you to join the family firm." He nodded to the piece of paper. "It's what we are offering you, to start with."

"I've got a job already. It's a good job, for someone like me." Ryujin leaned back in her chair.

"Bullshit, you can do better than that. I'll make you a partner in three years max, how long would it take you there?" He leaned forward to be heard.

"Right, you will and you know why? 'Cause it's your firm and your name is on the door." She raised her voice enough to startle Yeji. "I don't need your help to achieve something, I can do it on my own."

"You're still so stubborn, Ryujin. I can help you become one of the best, why won't you let me?" He was raising his voice as well and some eyes had turned on them. "Why won't you let me help you become an adult who will take care of her family, like I did?"

"By cheating on Mom and leaving her to raise me? No, no thanks." Ryujin stood up and threw the napkin aside, storming out towards the restroom.

"I don't know why she hates me so much." Mr. Shin dropped his head between his hands. "I've tried, Yeji. I wasn't the Father of the year, but I tried to be there more than my Dad ever did with me."

"I'm sure you did." Yeji nodded softly. "Let me talk to her." When he just nodded, she stood and followed after her fiancèe in the restrooms. When she entered the luxurious bathroom, she found Ryujin pacing back and forth in front of the marble sinks. "Ryujin..."

"Not now, Yeddeong." Ryujin held her hand up and turned around, with her back to her.

"Ryujin." Yeji didn't let that stop her and she wrapped herself around the nervous raven-haired. She held onto her, despite the struggles. She held onto her from behind, until Ryujin stopped fighting it. "You're fine, love."

"Who gave him the right? Who gave him the damn right to use me like he wants to?" She slammed her fist on the counter so hard that Yeji winced for her.

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