22. (end.)

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'Hello?' Yeji paused the movie she was watching and leaned back against the headboard.

'You're making a mistake.' The voice was slurred but familiar and she just sat up straighter.

'Minho, don't do this.' She sighed.

'We belong together.' He hiccuped on the other side. 'We always said we belong together, baby. Don't you remember?'

'We said too many things, Minho. Stop drinking and get some rest.' She was close to hanging up on him.

'I made a mistake. I should have never let you go.' Minho almost sobbed. 'I was so stupid.'

'I forgave you, Minho. We really tried too much to make it work but it was never supposed to last. I wanted Seoul and you...' She didn't know what he really wanted, but she wasn't enough. She wasn't enough for him and that's why he had fallen into Soyeon's arms.

'I was just a boy. I didn't know any better but I do now. I know that we should be together and this wedding is a mistake.' He pleaded. 'I can leave her. I can leave her and we can be together.'

'This is a mistake, Minho. You should have never called me and I am hanging up now.' She was about to when he called for her name again.

'Yeji. Yeji, please. Don't you love me?' He asked softly.

'No. I don't love you anymore and it's been years now.' Yeji closed her eyes when he whimpered on the other side. She heard the beer bottle smash against the wall or the ground and realized things never really changed. He hadn't changed. 'I am hanging up now.'

'Yeah, fucking leave. It's all you ever wanted, no? Leave us all behind!!' He spat at her.

'Goodbye Minho.' Yeji refrained from arguing with him but just blocked his number. She didn't need to see his poor attempts at messaging or calling her to apologize. It was just enough.

"Hey, I got some takeout from that vegan place across the street. Wanna join?" Jun appeared in the doorway of the guest room where she was sleeping.

"Actually, I need to go somewhere." She grabbed her phone and typed the current address in the Uber app.

"You're not going to sneak out to see Ryujin. Not on my watch." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Jun, it'll be quick and I just..." She slipped her flats on. "I need to see her."

"See her for what? Who was on the phone?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Minho. It was Minho." She sighed at the angry scowl on his face. "I can't sleep without telling her ok? I need to...please, Jun."

"Fine, but I'll take you there and no funny business. You have 10 minutes." He nodded and turned on his heels to grab his own keys.

"You're the best." She followed after him with a soft smile on her face.


"Coming." Ryujin lifted her hair in a messy ponytail and fixed the hem of her t-shirt that fell just over the waistband of her track pants. When the doorbell rang again, she huffed. "Hold your horses!" She swung the door open ready to give them a piece of her mind but she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Hi." Yeji beamed up at her. The raven-haired was dazed in the doorway and Yeji...well Yeji had her breath stolen away like she always did when she looked at Ryujin.

"Hi." Ryujin fell against the doorway, mostly to hold herself upright.

"Can I come in?" She peeked around the other woman, who just stepped aside to let her in their own apartment.

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