Chapter 3 : Lady-in-Waiting

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The Duke's eyes widened at his daughter's confession. She's lonely? Perhaps it's time I let her attend social gatherings, he thought.

The Duke had always been very protective of both his daughter Freya and his son Felix. Since their ancestors couldn't produce female heirs, he had given up on ever fulfilling his wife's wish for a daughter. But then Freya came along, and she was adored by both the Duke and the late Duchess. After Freya's tenth birthday, the Duchess succumbed to a disease, leaving the Duke to raise both children with the help of their loyal servants.

"Well then," the Duke said, opening a drawer and handing Freya some papers listing eligible ladies-in-waiting.

"Choose any of these ladies, then inform Theo."

Freya smiled at her father. "Thank you, Father!"

She took a seat on one of the couches in his office to review the profiles. After selecting her top three choices, she considered them carefully.

"Great picks," Theo said, entering the room. The Duke stared at the back of his beloved daughter holding the papers enthusiastically.

He sighed and continued on with his work. Meanwhile, Freya came up to Theo and asked for his opinion on he choices.

"Could you tell me more about these ladies?" Freya asked. Theo was popular among women for his looks and status and knew many people, making him a valuable source of information.

"Hmm, let's see... Miss Harriette is smart but shy and timid. Miss Poppy is also smart and always has a straight face. Lastly, Miss Tia is very talkative, smart, and quite popular among aristocrats." He then stated.

Freya took a deep breath and asked Theo another question once more. "Who would you like to recommend?"

"I think Miss Tia would be the most beneficial." Theo suggested that Freya nod in agreement.

"I agree," Freya said, looking once more at the profiles. "I've made up my mind, Miss Tia it is."

"Alright, I'll send a letter to House Clifford," Theo said, getting paper and ink to write the letter. "Then I shall take my leave milady."

Upon leaving Freya alone, her mind had gone off again elsewhere, I don't plan on following the novel's plot. I will create a path that benefits me, Freya thought.

THERE was a knock on Freya's chamber door. She opened it herself, and a maid informed her that the Duke had called for her. Following the maid to her father's office, she was greeted by Theo, who opened the door for her.

Inside she saw a lady standing holding her luggage smiling at her. "Freya, this is Miss Tia, the lady you chose to be your lady-in-waiting," the Duke said.

Freya smiled. "Welcome to the House Yeovil, Tia. I have high expectations for you, so I hope you can live up to my expectations."

She could only smirk. I guess putting a bit of pressure on her won't be too bad.

"Y-yes, thank you, milady," Tia replied, feeling uneasy and nervous about meeting Freya.

After all that chitchat, she was able to be alone with her newly assigned lady in waiting. Freya decided to take a stroll with Tia to get to know her new companion better.

"Tia," Freya called out to the nervous girl.

The girl flustered, replied. "Y-yes, milady?"

"Is something bothering you?" Freya asked showing worry in her face as they were continuing on their stroll.

Tia took a deep breath. "Nothing, milady."

Freya sensed Tia's discomfort and knew that for Tia to be beneficial, she needed to get her to feel at ease with her to be able to make good use of her.

"Tia, do you have friends?" Freya asked, adding a tone of bitterness to her voice to appear genuinely sad.

It's not that I don't have friends, but the old Freya didn't. Tia looked at her mistress's bitter face and felt sympathy.

"It is fun to have friends. They comfort you when you're down and help you learn new skills." She excitedly told then slightly glanced at Freya who still kept her sad expression, "Does milady have friends?" she asked.

Freya smiled bitterly. "I've got none."

Feeling sorry for Freya, Tia's uneasiness turned into pity, just as Freya intended. "If milady wants, I can be your friend, if that's not too inappropriate of course only if milady wants to–" Tia offered hesitantly.

"Really?! Thank you! I finally have a friend!" Freya exclaimed, her acting convincing. She could only throw a smirk behind her head.

Tia felt happy, believing she had fulfilled Freya's dream. Freya, on the other hand, was plotting. In no time, I'll have full power over Aurelia and the Prince. I'll deal with my brother later; he's not as important.

As they continued their stroll, they encountered Felix reading a book. Freya stopped and glared at him.

"What do you want?" Felix asked as he closed the book he was reading annoyed by her presence.

Rolling her eyes she replied, "Do I look like I need something from you?" she retorted.

Both siblings glared at each other, making Tia nervous, fearing a fight. "You are quite needy-one," Felix teased, smirking. "What? Can't think of a response?" he continued, standing up with his book.

"I'll just leave. Hope to never see you again," he said before walking away.

Freya fumed. He really knows how to push my buttons. I'm still not satisfied with his 'thank you'. She wanted to rip out his damned book and throw it to ground stomping on it to just show him how unsatisfied he is.

But, she has to keep it uptight.

"Milady, are you alright?" Tia asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Let's just forget about that damned fool," Freya said, leading the way.

Unbeknownst to Freya, Tia had a slight crush on Felix. Despite his cold demeanor, Felix's handsomeness made him stand out, and many women admired him.

Too bad for them.

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