Chapter 42 : Us

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"YOUR HIGHNESS, I believe we can come back tommorow and maybe then his Highness will be ready to talk to you." Freya sighed and started to walk back, shoulders down.

"I don't think that is no longer possible." She said, discouraged.

Luisa finds Frey pitiful, she wanted to atleast help her mistress feel better atleast with her current situation.

Holding Freya's hand, she faces her. "I think your highness should be a little more patient with his Highness-please don't take it as something rude You highness, I-i just want to help-"

"Okay, I get it now please..." She started to bit her nail, easing her growing frustration. Although, she sees that Luisa might be unto something. "How will I convince him into facing me?"

Luisa looks at the ceiling, thinking. "Maybe. . . by stopping by everyday to see him, even if he turns you down please keep resisting your highness maybe he'll soften one day."

"Hmm, I like that idea."

"And I read from a book that walking is good for pregnant women."Freya chuckles and ended up noticing how Luisa is a bit smarter than Tia.

"You're quite knowledgable, are you from a noble family?"

"Lady in waitings' are supposed to be nobles, Princess. I am the daughter of Baron Kelshmeir, Your Highness."

Freya couldn't help but atleast praise Luisa, not every noble woman are interested in some things."That's lovely, smart women are very interesting."

"I'm glad her highness thinks so too, then shall I prepare your bath?"

"Yes please."

Freya has been coming back and fourth to see Zavier, hoping to possibly sway him into finally talking. But it seems that fate isn't on Freya's side.

"His Highness' declines."

"Forgive us your highness, the Prince is busy at the moment."

"We're sorry, your highness."

Those were the same old phrases Freya had to face everyday. Despite hearing that multiple times, she still continued to atleast try and sway Zavier. She isn't going to leave without even talking to Zavier as she felt that it is a must.

Even after weeks of trying, just like every other day, today she's just as eager to try again.

"Princess, are you sure you'll still try today?" Luisa worriedly asked as she aids her mistress as they walked down the hall.

She holds unto her growing belly. "I must, right?"

Luisa nods reluctantly. "You see your highness you get exhausted a bit faster than usual now that the baby has grown."

"And?" She snobbly asked.

"And... we'll, I think we should lessen the walking a bit." Luisa says trying to convince her mistress of agreeing with her.

But it seems along with Freya's belly growing, she also has grown stubborn than before.

"No." Stubborn as ever, she didn't listen to what Luisa had to say and continued to walk. "Is he here today?" Freya proceeded to ask the guards.

"His Highness isn't present at the moment, Princess." He informed.

Freya then turned around and continued on her way as if she was already expecting that from them this time too.

"Your highness, are we going back now?" Luisa asked.

"No-I want to go out." She immediately answered and continued to walk on the large halls to reach the garden.

"Go out?!" Luisa blurted out and hurriedly went to tell the maid who was passing by to get a parasol. "The temperature outside isn't the best for a stroll, Princess."

Freya frowns and throws a fit. "I don't care I want to go out."

In the past few days, Freya has grown to be stubborn each and every day. Wanting things according to her liking, Luisa on the other hand, tried to keep the woman to stay still and not walk long distances but Freya doesn't want to listen.

Luisa opened the parasol as she followed Freya around the garden providing her some shade when Freya suddenly frowns.

"Why is it so hot?" She asked furiously.

The lady could only sigh. "Princess, I told you the temperature is at its peak." Repeating herself, Luisa is patient and willing to follow Freya around to aid her.

Before Freya could use her hand to fan herself, Luisa had it already covered by bring a fan out. "You're very well prepared."

Different from others, Luisa was quick to catch what her mistress needs at the time. That's why Freya couldn't help but praise and give her trust to the lady.

"Of course I am Princess." She smiled brightly.

Just after getting betrayed by Tia, Freya couldn't imagine herself trusting someone again beside her. But Luisa seems to break through her.

As they went inside, Freya saw Zavier walking in the distance that made her hopeful. She ran up to him as Luisa dropped the parasol and went running after Freya, also stopping her from running.

Zavier couldn't help but turn around and come face to face with Freya after all those weeks of refusing to see her.

Panting she holds Zavier by the arm. "P-please let's talk."

And so it happened, the two of them sitting in one table in the terrace. Zavier didn't know what to feel, he felt confused while across the table where Freya resides, she felt happy and relieved to finally see him once again.

"How is your condition?" Zavier starts it off.

Smiling, she replied. "I've been good, what about you? I heard you did nothing but work 24/7, don't you think you're quite overworked?"

"I don't think so." He sighed. "What do you want to talk about?"

Freya stared at the man to whom she fell in love with, she was too preoccupied that she didn't hear Zavier asked her a question.

"Freya? Are you alright?"

Brought back to her senses, she smiles awkwardly. "What was that again?"

"I was asking what do you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to talk about what happened that night and also about us."

"Us?" Zavier asked to confirm.

"Yes, Us." She then confirms it and proceeded. "I know you have been avoiding to see my face and I understand why but I hope you don't completely shut me out."

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