Chapter 40 : Trap

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"You came," Vik says, grinning.

He leaned over to kiss the lady but the lady pushed him away. "Stop."

"Why? Don't you like that anymore?" He says provokingly which makes Freya see him as a pervert.

"I don't." She paused. "Answer me straight up Vik, why are you doing this?"

"Because of Love, what else is there in between Freya?" Unfazed, she squinted her eyes looking at him intently.

"No, I feel that there is something else." She says.

"You must be feeling things," He grabs her wrist pulls her close, and whispers. "Shall we get started?"

Pushing him back, Freya yelled. "What the hell?!"

"What's wrong?" With a sly smile painted on his face.

As Freya scoffs, a disgusted look was on her face, she wanted to punch this man away from her. "This! This is wrong. I'm leaving."

When she was about to leave, Vik suddenly caught up to her arm, gripping it tightly. "You are not leaving." He hissed.

"Ow! That hurts, let go of me!" No matter how much she tried to get off of his tight grip, but couldn't.

Fear started to creep on her, she wished behind her thoughts that Zavier would come and take her away from this psychopath.

"I'll do that once I'm done."

She cried as loud as she could, after Vik pushed her on the cold moist ground as he went on top of her."HELP!"

"Oh, you want them to see us don't you?" Vik says smirking at her as he lifts her nightgowns skirt. "You want your husband to see how I devour you tonight," Freya screams as she resists and stops him from doing his evil thought.

"STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, Duke Bonavich." Hearing that voice sends comfort and relief to Freya. Zavier was followed by the Imperial Knights he brought with him.

She wanted to run up to him but, Vik was gripping on her arm. So tight that it could break her arm in a snap.

"Ah-ah-ah not so fast, your highness." He says after Zavier walked a bit closer to where they were, then she felt something sharp behind her.

Zavier grins and says firmly. "Let go of my wife."

"I cannot. Can't you see we were about to have a little bit of fun?"

"Zavier, help me."

"Did she already get your heart Zavier? What a pity." "Ah-step any closer and this dagger will sink into her neck." He threatens Zavier.

"What do you want?" Fuming with anger, Zavier asked.

"Don't be in a rush, your Highness. I am here to have an announcement to say." Freya's chest started to pump faster, she had a bad feeling about this.

"Stop with the games Vik," Zavier warns.

Laughing hysterically, Vik replied. "I am not playing, I want to announce that I am becoming a father."


"She is carrying my child." He professed, pointing at Freya.

With eyes wide open, Freya snapped. "Liar! How could that be?!"

"Shush, you don't have to talk honey." Freya slapped his hand off her chin, shifting his gaze to Tia who was behind Zavier. "Isn't that right Tia?"


"Y-yes Your Highness, I witnessed the whole thing," Tia uttered, agreeing with Zavier whose smile was just a few bigger at this point.

Everyone was speechless, the Imperial Knights didn't know how to act as their gaze pierced into Freya's skin.

"How could you.." Freya muttered.

The lady whom she trusted, and spent time with turned out to be a knife ready to stab her from behind. Tears started to fill Freya's eyes as she looked at Tia who couldn't even throw a glance at her. Then she turned to the man she loved. "Zavier, I would never do such a thing. Believe me."

"Oh, you slept with him too?" "Say, my dear cousin. Do you find your wife entertaining?"

"Vik shut that mouth or else-"

"Or else what, Zavier?" He interrupts "You'll kill me? Throw me into prison? That's alright, this child right here shall continue my legacy." He said sounding proud of the thought. Freya left there on the side knees shaking in fear.

In fear of abandonment by Zavier.

"Will you stop saying I am pregnant with your child?! You're so disgusting-" Freya ranted but stopped by Vik pointing the knife closer to her neck.

"Hurts my ears." Rolling his eyes. "Can't you see their expressions, Freya? They are disgusted by you, thinking you must be a petty whore the Duke had raised." This only made Freya tremble more, she wanted to just get eaten by the ground just to disappear.

Everyone's eyes are on her, she feels alone, and unwanted.

"Kill him," Zavier commanded his men but before they could Vik had already sliced Freya's neck.

"AH!" She screamed in agony as blood came rushing down her neck.

Worried, Zavier ran up to her holding her in his arms. "Freya are you alright?! Call the physician, now!"

"It hurts. . " she uttered.

Not knowing what he should do in the meantime, he wanted to accompany her for a while."I know, I know stay with me."

"Am I going to die, like this?" she asked him knowing she was losing a lot of blood, and to point out that she might be pregnant puts her in a panic attack.

"No, you aren't," he assures her once more, hands shaking he holds her hands tighter. "Freya, don't sleep. Wake up."

FREYA has woken up back into her bed at the palace, she wonders what happened after the night when she passed out.

A maid suddenly enters the room. It wasn't Tia anymore. "Your Highness, I brought you your breakfast."

"I don't want to eat." She muttered as she sat ang looks out the window.

It was a sunny day, but teh whether doesn't reflect what she is feeling at the moment. Lost in her own thoughts, Freya didn't notice that the maid had already placed her food on the table and stood next to her.

"But that isn't good for the child, your highness." That moment, she remembered. That she might've a child in her.

She got off bed which flustered the maid. "Your highness would you like to take a bath now?"

"No. I want to see his Highness."

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