Chapter 10 : Next Move

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FREYA had been more energetic these past few days, excited to finally attend a tea party with other noble ladies. She had always wanted her own group of friends in this life, so she wore her favorite dress—a simple yet appealing strapped dress that reached her ankles, paired with ankle-strapped heels.

"You look so beautiful, milady! I never knew you had such a taste in fashion," Tia praised, and Freya smiled in return.

"Of course! This is Lady Yeovil, obviously!" she said proudly, still admiring herself in the mirror.

Tia clasped her hands, also admiring Freya. "Alright, time to go! Let's go, Tia!" Freya said enthusiastically, even pointing her hand toward the door.

The tea party she was attending was held by the Lady of Hamilton. While in the carriage, Freya decided to ask for some information about Lady Hamilton.

"What is Lady Hamilton like, Tia?"

Tia thought of it for a while. "She's quite active socially, milady, has a lot of suitors, and I've heard a rumor that she's an illegitimate child of the Duke," Tia replied.

Freya pondered this. There was a 50/50 chance that she'd either become friends with Lady Hamilton or end up as enemies.

Upon reaching the Hamilton Ducal, the butler showed them the way to the garden where the tea party was being held. Everyone was already there, except for Freya, as there was only one unoccupied seat.

"Lady Yeovil! Welcome!" Lady Hamilton greeted her. "Please, take a seat," she said, pointing to the seat at the other end of the table.

Freya felt nervous as she took her seat, not typically someone who joined parties. "Greetings, Lady Hamilton and  ladies. I am very grateful for the Lady's invite," Freya said, keeping a straight face.

The ladies she had spoken to at the Duke's birthday banquet were also there, and whenever she looked at one of them, they'd shift their gazes away.

Gosh, I should've befriended them instead of going against them, Freya thought.

"I appreciate the Lady's presence as well," Lady Hamilton said. "Now that we're complete, we shall start the tea party," she cheerfully added.

They all raised their teacups before taking a sip of the prepared tea.

"Any latest gossips, ladies?" Lady Hamilton started.

A lady then raised her hand slightly. "I heard that His Grace Bonavich is looking for someone to wed," an unfamiliar lady said.

All the other ladies became interested. "I'll ask my father about him," a lady said, almost squealing.

This is weird, Freya thought. Only Lady Hamilton talked to her, and others even avoided eye contact. She felt excluded.

Freya decided to leave for a while since she got bored. She wasn't someone who talked a lot to people she just met and didn't vibe with them that much.

I'm so high up that they can't even bring themselves to talk to me, she thought, walking around the outdoor garden with Tia behind her.

"Tia, am I scary?" she asked.

"I think milady is at first glance, but when you get to know her more, you aren't really all what the rumors say," Tia said. It warmed Freya's heart but also made her feel nice.

She let out a sigh and looked up at the sky. I'm being too nice; that's not my purpose. Freya felt she hadn't served her purpose, especially after the incident with the Prince.

I need a new, better plan, she thought, but then she realized she had forgotten most of the events in the novel.

Rylie is such a boring speaker. Now I can't remember important details, she thought, covering her face with both palms. How am I supposed to figure out my next move...?

"Milady, you seem to have dropped your fan," an unfamiliar male voice said. Freya looked beside her and saw a tall man with ash-gray hair.

Freya's eyes shone looking at the man's hair; it looked very silky, and she wanted to touch it but didn't know him and worried she might get thrown off.

"Sir, you've got really nice hair, is it natural though?" Freya stated without caring anymore.

The man smiled. "It is, do you find my hair amusing?"

"Indeed, it is amusing. It simply is a rare hair color is it not?" Freya continued.

"Yes, indeed Princess."

"Would you mind if I stroke your hair for a bit?" Freya asked, she then felt Tia's slight tug.

"What is it?" She whispered.

Tia looked rather tense. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to ask such questions to the–"

"You may, Princess. It would be an honor for me to be able to get my hair stroked by the Princess." He said Freya jolted in excitement.

"See, he allowed it shouldn't be a problem." She whispered again to Tia who just grew more tense than before.

Freya then walked forward and the man bent over for her to reach his hair. After feeling it through her fingers, she really felt at ease.

Silky soft hair. She thought to where she could possibly buy the same shampoo as he does.

"That felt nice." Freya complimented and backed away from the man. "By the way, what is your name sir?"

The guy first led out a smirk. "Vik Bonavich, the Grand Duke of the West Milady."

Her Jaw dropped. Is this really the same man? Freya tried to remember something, she knew she remembers an information about this man.

There she found out, he was the threat of the possesyof the throne as he is the next candidate for the throne, second to Zavier. This is the cousin to which would cause a lot of problems for the couple in the original novel.

He is definitely trouble. And right at this moment, Freya felt she was right into trouble herself.

My bad.

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