Chapter 4 : Handsome Men

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THE DUKE'S BIRTHDAY is coming up soon, Freya thought of giving her father a present. She is also preparing herself for the day Aurelia shows up.

In the novel, Aurelia was expected to make an appearance at the Duke's birthday banquet, prompting Freya to meticulously plan for any eventuality. Being slightly paranoid, Freya had a backup plan for her backup plans.

I wonder what I should do when that time comes, should I just let her do her thing and mind my own business, she thought but then she didn't want to overthink it a lot.

"Tia," she called to her lady-in-waiting.

"Yes, milady?"

"Prepare me an appropriate dress, we're going to the Capital." Tia promptly went to Freya's walk-in closet to find a suitable dress.

Once dressed, Freya is set to inform the butler about her trip to the capital. After seeing that man she walked right up to him with all the confidence she had. "Good day. . Uhm how are you? Fine day isn't it?"

"Yes it is very well Princess." He replied expressionless.

Then there she goes. "I would like to go for a trip to the capital."

"I'm very sorry, milady, but I can't allow it," Desmond replied firmly.

Freya was upset. She knew sneaking out would only anger the Duke and diminish his trust. "But we'll be very quick, I have Tia with me."

"Still, I cannot allow you to go Princess." He replied.

Then, she had an idea. "We'll bring a couple of guards with us to ensure our safety!" she said with a cheeky smile.

Desmond sighed but finally relented, allowing them to go with two of the best knights, Sergio and Thomas.

FREYA couldn't help but smile throughout the trip, especially with two handsome knights accompanying them.

"Tia, don't you think those two knights are quite handsome?" she asked smiling so widely.

Tia looked at her mistress and couldn't deny it. She nodded. "Does milady bonded with them before?"

Freya shook her head. "It's my first time seeing them, though they are quite the catch right? Damn these men." she said, smiling and snickering like a teenage girl.

Of course, it's my first time seeing them! I've only been here a few days. "Would you like one of them?" Freya asked, making Tia's eyes widen.

Tia quickly shook her head. "I need to focus on you, milady, not some handsome knight," she said, flustered.

Even though I could juggle a knight and my duties, I'm currently admiring someone else... Lord Felix, Tia thought.

Upon arriving in the Capital, Sergio offered Freya his hand to help her out. She held his hand while scanning the bustling area, noticing Tia's wide eyes. Freya winked at her and continued walking, still holding Sergio's hand.

"M-milady," Sergio called, making her stop and look at him.

"Yes, Sergio?" she asked, as if nothing was unusual.

"Does my lady need my assistance in walking?" he asked, his face straight.

Freya smiled cheekily. "Sure, I do." They continued walking hand in hand. Ignoring the glances and stares, they soon reached a jewelry shop. Sergio opened the door for her, and she smiled at him before finally letting go of his hand.

"W-welcome, my lady!" the flustered shop owner greeted her.

With a striking aura she grandly spread her arms and told the owner,"Show me all your finest brooches."

"Oh yes, milady! Sheila, bring all our finest brooches!" he instructed a girl behind the counter.

After a while, Sheila returned with the brooches. "Here they are, milady. These are some high quality gems made into brooches, fit for milady's taste." the shop owner said.

Freya examined the brooches and found two she liked: one diamond and one ruby. She couldn't decide between them.

"Tia." she called.

"Yes, milady?"

"Which one do you think I should buy for Father?" She asked away, Freya wanted to flatter the Duke herself so that incase she does something stupid she would still be forgiven

More like a-bribe.

Tia thought for a moment. "I think the diamond brooch would suit the Duke, and the ruby one for Lord Felix."

Freya's expression darkened at her brother's name. "What? Why should I buy him one?" she exclaimed.

"Oh, forgive me, milady. I just thought it would suit Lord Felix the most," Tia said, panicking.

Freya sighed. And thought of it. "It's alright. It does suit Felix." After some thought, she decided to buy both brooches, one for her father and one for Felix.

Even though I hate him, I just want to see him wearing this brooch. It looks pretty. Well, if I could have it, I would, but I can't.

BACK at the Manor, in Freya's chamber, Freya and Tia couldn't stop talking about handsome men, a topic they both enjoyed.

"I held his hand earlier like I was a badass queen!" Freya exclaimed.

"Even though I don't know what 'badass' means, milady, I get what you're saying. His flustered look was really handsome!"

"Oh, I should've looked at him!" Freya laughed.

"Oh, I haven't told you, milady. The Duke in the west is very handsome!" Tia said, blushing.

Handsome? Damn! "Oh my god, I want to see if he's really handsome then!"

"I heard he's kind and has abs!" Both of them screeched in excitement.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Tia opened it to find the Crown Prince. She quickly bowed and greeted him.

"Greetings to the Empire's star, Your Highness."

Zavier nodded slightly. "May I know who you are?"

"I am Tia from the House Clifford, the lady's lady-in-waiting, Your Highness," she responded.

"Oh... Alright. Could you give us some privacy?" he asked.

Tia glanced at Freya for approval before agreeing and leaving the room. What does this prince want? I was having a good time with Tia, Freya thought.

"Freya, how have you been?" Zavier asked.

Freya couldn't fall for the Crown Prince, she already knew her future with this man so why bother pleasing him. "Fine."

"That's great."

An awkward silence followed. The Prince wasn't used to this new Freya, who was less talkative and clingy.

"Freya, did I do something wrong? Please tell me if I upset you," he said, looking at her closely.

Their eyes met, Freya saw his Face more clearly that led her to see such beauty. In her words, Handsome man.

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