Chapter 35 : Farewell

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IN A CABIN found in the countryside of the empire, Aurelia resides at of the moment. Life in the countryside provided her with comfort and peace for a while.

On a rocking chair on the porch of her small cabin she knits a scarf that she'll gift to her soon child. Then, suddenly a horse came with a man.

It was Felix.

She stood up and went up to him happily. "It has been a while lord Felix." She greeted.

Felix hops off the horse and greeted her as well.

"How are you, both?" He asks looking at her growing belly.

Aurelia smiles and caress her stomach. "Both of us are fine, how is it going in the capital?"

As felix guided her to sit on the porch's bench she tells Aurelia. "The Empress seemed to calm a bit these days, she hasn't been doing anything extreme." She nods.

"Is that so? Well I'm glad she had given up."

Aurelia felt relieved while Felix felt suspicious. According to his guts, Her majesty isn't someone who gives up that easily.

And so he thought. It can either be she really has given up or she already found out where Aurelia is. .

"Mi Lord?" Aurelia calls out.

As Felix snapped back he lets out a smile, Aurelia notices that something seems to trouble the Lord.

"We're fine." She states. "I trust that his Lord will protect me and my little Felix."

His eyes widened. "Come again?"

"The I trust you?"

"No the last part."

Aurelia chuckled. "My little Felix, I have a feeling that he's a boy so I'd like to name him after a brave man who protects us."

His heart was thumping, he then held unto Aurelia's hand and looks at her belly. "I. . I will do my best."

After a while of accompanying Aurelia, he then left to run some errands. Aurelia was once again left alone.

A sigh of relief was let out. "Even though when we're on the hiding, living far away from the capital seems fine, right my little Felix?"

Caressing her stomach the door suddenly flew open which scared her having her to jump in place.

"Who are you?!" She yelled at the man holding a sword on his hands ready to take it on Aurelia.

Aurelia's eyes widened finally seeing the face of the man.

"Rest in Peace, forgive me for what I am about to do."
The man whispers.

Horrified, Aurelia came to kitchen to grab a kitchen knife to defend herself with but it was already too late as she was stabbed from behind.

The first thing she did was to caress her child. "M-my child. ."

"FREYA." As she turned around she was Zavier walking towards her with his usual smile.

She stood up and showed respect. "Your highness." Freya froze in place when he suddenly wrap his hands around, embracing the woman.

"I missed you."

It's been 3 days before the couple saw each other because of their busy schedule. For Freya, this was understandable.

His embrace gave warmth to the woman. "I do, too."

"You do?" He asks after embracing Freya.

Freya couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, this time I really do."

"I thought you hated my embrace? It seemed you're starting to like me." Zavier proudly said.

At that moment, Freya felt a sense of guilt. How can she be so mean to him back then when Zavier has only done things they used to do?

Should I. . Make it up to him?

"Forgive me, when the time comes. I will explain everything to you briefly." She stated.

With a smug look he sat on the chair beside Freya. "Is there anything to explain? Wife?"

Her face began to heat up.

"I. . J-just feel like you need an explanation." She says.

Zavier smiles brightly. "I don't require you anything."

Now Freya felt guilty even more! She turns her head away from seeing the man's composure. I hate myself.

She then hears Zavier chuckles. "Don't think of it too much, wife."

Pouting Freya turns her head looking at the man face to face.
"I should be."

"Let's have dinner tonight."

Dinner. ? She thoughts and remember what happened the last time they had dinner.

"Don't worry, it will be just us two." He said assuring the woman to which he succeeded.

"Alright." She agrees.

Both turned their heads after hearing a slight knock on the door.

"Your Royal highness' excuse my sudden interruption but their is an urgent business the Crown Prince must attend to." It was Rey, the Royal Emperial Butler.

Zavier then looked at Freya and smiles. "Dinner tonight, don't forget that wife." He says before leaving Freya.

Following Zavier, it seemed that it was an urgent matter as to the Butler looked troubled.

"Rey, what is it?" The expression we saw earlier from Zavier shifted into a more serious expression now.

"The condition of his Majesty seems to weaken even more." It says which shakened the young Prince as they rushed to the chambers of his father.

Caressing the Emperors hands, Zavier tried to hold back his tears seeing his ill father.

"Zavier? My son,"

"Yes, Father. I'm here."

His Father faintly smiled. "How are you and Freya?"

"We've been good."

"Good. I have a favor to ask you." The Emperor says squeezing the hand of his beloved son.

"It's time I pass the throne to you," a cough followed. "Passing it to you now is convenient, Elainne won't be able to do anything as I am still alive."

He nodded. Zavier cannot do anything, he knows this is the best judgement they can do as of the moment. It is a law in this Empire that when the Emperor steps down the throne and the heir already got married then its wife shall be Empress right away.

Although this measures are necessary he worries for Freya's safety. The current Empress is someone who'll dispose anyone who gets in her way.

"Rest assured Father, I will be doing my best." He tells his father which looked contented and happy.

"I am not worried a single bit about that as I know you'll be a greater that I am. One more thing,"

"What is it Father?"

"Aurelia, my mistress."

Zavier sighs. "She is being watched by the Lord Yeovil, please rest well Father."

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