Chapter 30 : The Wedding II

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"FREYA, would you like to taste some of that strawberry tarts?" She flinched after Zavier leaned over to her and asks.

She looked at those strawberry tarts, it looked delish. It was by a nearby table just down on the right side. She nodded.

Well, Freya didn't expect Zavier to get it by himself. She thought that he would call on some servant but no, he git it himself and placed it unto Freya's Plate.

As Zavier sat back down, her eyes were glued unto him. It just made her fluster a bit.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks.

Freya sighs. "You could've just told a servant to get it." She says after getting the fork right next to her place to eat the tart.

Still looking at her, he replies. "Well there were no servants around."

"Yes, there was." She immediately replied.

Zavier has this smile on his face, watching Freya eat that tart. As soon as she felt his gaze she looks at Zavier.

"I'm eating." She says.

"I know, now continue wife."


Ah, wife. . .

The word wife sent chills down her spine, he's right though. She, Freya Lavine Yeovil, is his wife from now on.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Freya quickly brushed it off. "Nothing." After saying that she took a glance of Zavier's plate, it was still shiny and untouched. "You haven't eaten yet?"

"I'm not yet hungry, do you want more?" He sat up still, as if preparing himself to go and get Freya some more Tarts.

"No, I want you to eat." She says strictly, with a blank yet full authority in her voice.

Zavier scoffs as he smiles in dearly. "I already got full watching my wife eat."

Tch. .

The look on Freya's face made Zavier chuckle before calling unto a servant passing by to get them all sorts of food, mainly desserts.

"This is a lot." She says scanning all the food placed unto their table.

"Well–" He was cut off after seeing a man with a frizzy beared with a young woman next to him come up infront of their table.

"Greetings to the star of the Empire, Your Highness. I am very honored to witness your wedding with the lovely Dukes daughter." It stated.

"Viscount Thropos, the honor is ours as well." Zavier replied.

The Viscount only took a slight glance at Freya before showing a huge smile at Zavier.

The woman beside the Viscount looked timid and shy, she couldn't even make eye contact with the crown Prince. All she could do is lower her head.

"I have here my niece, Lady Salome. She's a bright young lady, who could possibly satisfy your highne–"

"I'm not interested, I just got married to the lady of House Yeovil and you introduce your niece to me right away, Viscount Thropos. Doesn't it sound a bit off?" He was furious inside, though he couldn't show it.

The nobles are quick to gossip and tell such lies to others to ruin another's reputation and as the crown prince, he couldn't risk that.

How dare this old man offer his niece to me, infront of my wife.?!

The Viscount was taken a back and as for Freya she couldn't careless, she was too busy eating and munching on the tart she has infront of her that she forgot about the Viscount's presence.

"A-ah I see, my apologies your highness. Cheers to the newly wed royal couple." Then he left.

Zavier's attention shifted back to Freya once again, his serious face went away when he leans unto the table to directly look at Freya with a genuine smile.

"You look adorable, wife." He stated, still with that smile, which Freya considered as weird.

Her brows narrowed. "When you say it with that smile, it's weird."

Zavier then chuckles and wipes the crumbs on the side of Freya's lips. "You make me smile like this." He says.

Freya almost choked then Zavier gave her a glass of water. "That was cringe."


Freya chuckles, but just then she was about to talk the Emperor gently tapped his glass with his spoon which created this sound that got the attention of everyone.

"Let me raise a toast and to finally welcome the newest member of the Royal family, Princess Freya Lavine Yeovil." Claps then followed.

The next thing was dancing, Freya first danced with Zavier gracefully then followed the Emperor.

"You look stunning Freya, as always." He compliments which made Freya smile.

"Thank you Your Majesty."

"Ho ho, you can address me as Father since there's just us two. Be comfortable as we are family now." Freya nodded and soon her Father, the Duke was next.

The Duke scanned his once small little princess. "You've grown much."

She nodded. "I guess I did, Father."

"If there is anything that worries you, tell me. I'll be by your side at all times, Freya." This made Freya felt assured, atleast now she knows that she has someone to lean on at times where she couldn't handle it by herself anymore.

After dancing with the Duke, of course she'll have to dance with Felix as well.

They still aren't in good terms yet they have to be seen perfect by many, no one talked for a bit.

Both found it a bit tense.

"Take care, Freya." Finally, Felix broke the tension.

"I am, always."

Felix sighs. "The Empress, watch over her. She is unpredictable." He added.

Freya found it odd and a not so Felix thing to do, but, she trusts Felix's words. . . This time because she also felt something odd about the Empress herself.

"I will, thanks."

And for the second to the last, she'll have to dance with the Grand Duke, Vik.

With the so overused smirk he has on his face, Freya forces to smile.

Well this is awkward.

As they danced Vik leans forward quite a bit. "I'm still upset after you bailed and dumped me, Princess."

Freya pushes him a bit over. "Change of plans, it was a hassle for you to get the crown I might as well settle with the Crown Prince."

"I see the Princess aims for the crown. If I managed to get the crown and the thrown myself. . Will the Princess switch on my side?" He said with a teasing look carved unto his face.

She looks at him dead in the eyes. "No, because that is impossible."

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