Chapter 45 : Return

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"Your Highness, our troops are conducting an extensive search throughout the Empire for the Princess," his Courtier reported, clutching a stack of documents.

For days, Zavier had been unable to sleep, consumed by worry over Freya's sudden disappearance. "Then where is she?"

"Your Majesty, she has yet to be located—"

"Why is it taking so long? My wife is missing!" he exclaimed in frustration.

The Courtier could only swallow hard, clearly taken aback. "Our troops are exerting their utmost efforts, Your Majesty. We are confident the Princess will be found."

Just then, a servant knocked on the door. "Come in," Zavier instructed, taking his seat at the desk.

"Your Highness, it's his majesty."

Without a second thought, Zavier walked hurriedly with the servant following him to the Emperor's Chambers.

There, a Doctor was beside the Emperor's bed. As he roamed his eyes around the room, when he saw Ellaine crying beside the Emperor holding his hand, he felt disgusted.

"Oh, dear! Your father..." Zavier could tell that this was just an act she pulled.

Zavier kneeled beside his Father. "Father, I'm here." His Father looked very ill, he opened his eyes and caress the check of his only son.

"My son... You came despite the work I have left for you." He stated. "You should always come first Father."

A faint smile was what he could only give his son. "I'm sorry, I might pass the throne to you–" he coughed.

"Father no... Not now."

"My days are counted, I h-have to pass it to you as soon as possible." He stated almost losing his breath along the way.

"But darling, you are not well." Ellaine interrupted, making Zavier look at her mad. "We have no choice, I have to pass it on our son as soon as possible."

Ellaine's eyes glimmered. "I will arrange—"

"I will have the coronation prepared as soon as possible Father." Ellaine could only grit her teeth glaring at Zavier.

"You've grown well, my son. Ellaine will be there to help you along the way." Coughs. "Have you found your Wife?"

He took a deep breath. "Yes Father, but she can't attend the coronation because of her current state."

Ellaine smirked a litter hearing what Zavier had said, she knew Freya hadn't been found yet but she went along with Zavier's little lie for now.

"Excuse me, Your Majesties, your Highness but Her Majesty's tailor has arrived." The maid entered, informing them.

Ellaine then stood up and bid farewell to her Husband and dear son.

"Zavier, how's Aurelia doing?" Zavier didn't want to tell his father about the news about her, but he seemed to be obligated to do so.

He let out a loud sigh. "She, she passed away Father."

His Father was in shock that he was unable to react to the news he just heard. "A-are you certain?" Zavier could only nod.

"Is it Ellaine's doing isn't it? That filthy woman." He cussed, Zavier patted the back of his hand. "Father calm down, I will avenge my Mother, Aurelia and my Wife."

Tears began to fall off the man's eyes. "I will entrust you with that matter, son."





2 Years Later. . .

"What a wonderful morning isn't it Madame?" Luisa cheerfully greeted her mistress. "Young master please slow down!"

At this time around, Freya had already given birth to a charming young boy to which she named Pierre. As he ran up to his mother asking her to carry him, to which Freya gladly did.

"Slow down little one, you're going to give Aunt Luisa a heart attack." Freya teased as she holds her son dearly.

Panting, Luisa had finally catches up to them, "The young master. . . Runs too fast Madame, I am certainly gon' run out of breath."

Freya chuckles. "He does seem to be full of energy." She commented. "Aren't you?"

The little boy nods and holds both of his mother's cheek using his tiny little hands. "Ma-ma, uncle!" Freya's brows narrowed.

"Uncle?" When she turned around he saw Felix in his disguise to which was very simple and noticeable. "Really? That stupid disguise again?"

It was a hat with a pair of circular glasses that does not even make a difference to Freya's eyes.

Felix then pokes the cheek of his niece. "Pierre my sweet little king!" Freya nudges him in the stomach.

"What are you doing here?" Felix took the little Pierre unto his arms. "It's been 2 years, Father is nagging me bring you and my little king back to the Capital."

"Tea Madame, My Lord." The two of them sat under a parasol before Luisa poured then tea while Felix still holds Pierre in his arms.

"I don't know.."

Felix then took out a letter from his vest. "This is from Father." Then he gives it to Freya and continuous to play with Pierre.

'I want to see my Grandson, atleast for once grant me that wish. If you don't visit for my upcoming banquet then I have no other choice to come there myself.'

"Is he serious about this?!" Freya shocked.

Nodding in response, Felix looks at her. "Father is always serious, what did he wrote?"

"He said that if we don't pay a visit he'll come here himself."

"Tsk tsk tsk, just pack your things already and come with me. He is a man of words, I don't think you should that slightly. Ow! Little King smiled at me!" He then began tickling the child.

Freya though, on the other hand looked trouble. She seriously don't want to go back in the capital, with that Banquet she is sure that the Zavier would be there. Especially now that he is the Emperor after the late Emperor died. 'He must still be in grief.'

"Luisa," She called. "Yes Madame?"

"Pack our things, we're going back to the Capital."




On their way to the Ducal as Freya cradles Pierre to sleep, Felix couldn't help but stare at them. "He looks exactly like the His Majesty."

Freya sighed. "He does, but we are not here to see 'him'."

Crossing his arms and legs, Felix smirked. "I'm not telling you to see him Freya, what I'm saying is how are you going to disguise little king into something unrecognizable?"

"It's not like I would disguise him like how you disguise yourself." Freya comments.

Felix chuckles. "Alright, I'll take that. What about you?"

"Me? What about me?" She asked, confused by the question asked.

"Are you going to be alright once you come face to face with him? Especially now that he's been seen with a woman quite often." Freya's brows narrowed.

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