Reapercussions (Part Two)

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"Anya!" Clarke kneeled in front of the cage, fumbling with the lock as Violet knelt down besides her, observing the girl Clarke was talking to.
She had light brown hair, and tan skin. Her ribs were showing through her chest, and she had nothing but a pair of white shorts and a white bra on, white bandages plastering her arms.
"We're gonna get you out of here. Violet, find anything that can break this lock!"

She nodded, looking around at all the different people stuck in the cages like wild animals as something on a white table caught her eye.
A steel crowbar.

She picked it up, carrying it over to Clarke, "Will this work?" "Yes! Yes." Clarke took it, sticking it between the empty space of the lock, pulling down on it with a struggle as it snapped. She tossed the lock across the floor, swinging open the gate like door as she held her arms around Anya's shoulders.

"Okay come on, quick!" Clarke exhaled, "You're okay."
"Not now, Violet!"
"Clarke!" Violet whispered loudly, grabbing her hand as she ducked down, pointing to the metal door across from them, a mechanical whirring as the keypad light turned green and chimed.
"Get back in, get back in!" Clarke panicked, pushing Anya back in as she sat next to her, Violet squeezing in as she held her hand over her mouth.

Dr. Singh

She was walking around the room, doing something unknown as she looked between all the cages, inspecting all those stuck in them, Clarke's breathing hitching as she eyed the broken lock on the floor.
Singh had a clipboard in her hands, walking painfully slow as she wrote things down, stopping as hands lurched at her, begging as she gasped and moved.
Violet lowered her hand, breathing slowly as Singh left and the door slammed shut.

"Okay, we've gotta go. Now." Violet whispered, crawling out of the cage.
Clarke pulled Anya off the floor, pulling her arm over her shoulder as she kept off of one of her legs, moving with Clarke as Violet followed behind her.
Another door, different than the one Singh had gone out, through squeaked as Clarke pulled it open, letting go of Anya's arm as she stepped inside and stood behind Violet.

The same door slammed loudly, as Violet jumped.
"No, no, no!" Clarke banged on the metal door as it shut behind them, locking them in. She pried her fingers at the door, backing away as an alarm began blaring.

"What is that?" Anya spoke softly looking at Violet as she shrugged.

"I don't- AAAAAHH!"
The three of them all screamed, falling through the floor.

Violet groaned, landing on something hard.

"Shit, where the h-"
Violet stood up, looking horrified as she screamed bloody murder, and Clarke sat up.

"Oh, oh my god!"
Dozens of seemingly dead bodies laid in whatever they had landed in, covered in blood and bandages.
"Anya!" Clarke shouted, watching as she shook the bodies of her grounder friends, frightened as they didn't move or respond.
"Anya, come on!"
Anya's face changed as she realized the amount of panic in Violets face, grabbing her hand as she walked over bodies and managed to avoid tripping, both of them climbing out as their feet touched the cold floor and they realized where they were.
The mines.
They had fallen into a mine, specifically one of three mine-carts that held dead bodies. Tracks moved down the cave, and tools were scattered across the cave.

Anya leaned over the cart, clearly in pain as she held her arm over her abdomen.
She had bandages wrapped over her arms and abdomen, more then one of them soaked in blood.

"We're out." Clarke whispered. "Hey, come on! Get dressed!"
Clarke pulled on Violets hand, bringing her over to a pile of clothes stacked up against the wall.

"Anya, we can't cover any ground like this!"
"I won't leave my people behind."
"Anya," Clarke stood up, walking towards her "Listen to me, my people are still inside that place too, but they have guards. Weapons, once we get out of here we can find out! We can come back-"
"There is no 'we'."

"Hey, I found clothes!" Violet pulled the yellow medical gown off of her, sliding an old blue and white striped sweater over her head, and a pair of jeans that were too baggy and too long for her.

"Someone's coming."

"What?" Violet ran up to them, standing between them as she listened.
Anya wasn't wrong, voices began echoing down the eerily dark hallway, loud and booming at best.
"Not just someone," Clarke breathed shakily, "Reapers."
"Oh heck no!" Violet whispered.
Before Clarke could even say something Anya was walking away from them, trying to pick up a large rock,
"Hey. Anya, you can't fight. You can hardly stand! I have a better idea, come on." Clarke wrapped her arm over Anya's, helping her towards the mine cart as the voices grew closer to them. Violet had figured out the plan on her own, climbing onto the side of the mine cart, and laying down on the inside of it as Anya climbed over the edge with Clarke's help, both of them laying down next to her, their bodies compressed to each other, rather than the middle to keep each other out of sight from the reapers.
Clarke threw a pile of clothes over the two of them, before jumping in herself and laying down next to Violet.
The three of them laid in silence at the walls of the cart, nervous about being seen, Clarke and Violets eyes closed as Anya stared at the ceiling nervously, all of them listening for their movements.
Torches flickered, showing the shadows of the reapers against the stone walls of the mines.
The hot sulfuric smell only seemed to grow worse with the added heat and bodies of the reapers.
A few moments passed in silence, as Clarke slowly sat up, dropping back down quickly.
Violet grunted, something falling on top of her as it crushed her diaphragm, making it hard to breathe as she covered her mouth with her hand.

"OH, MY GOD, OH MY GOD!"  The voice in her head screamed frantically, telling her to get up and run as she reasoned with the irrational thoughts and kept as calm and composed as she could, knowing what was on top of her.
A body. 
A body, had quite literally been tossed into the same mine cart as the three of them, all of them visibly freaked out as another one landed next to Anya, only this one was still alive, groaning as she thudded on the cart and looking at Anya with wide eyes.
A loud groan echoed, another body dropping down.
And another.
Two more dropped down, either one almost right on top of Violet or Clarke's face, the smells becoming overwhelming of cave sulfur, sweat, blood, and whatever the hell else was reeking in the mines.
A quiet squeak echoed, as Violet opened her eyes, shutting them again rather quickly.
A reaper was in front of her, pushing the cart down the tracks.

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