Remember Me

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"You sure you saw them?" Murphy mumbled.
"I swear." Violet nodded, following Murphy through the edge of the woods, a pistol in her hand.
Murphy had decided it was time Violet learned how to defend herself, teaching her all within five minutes how to reload the pistol, aim properly, and shoot, as "It's stupid enough Bellamy hasn't taken you out hunting like he said he would, but nobody's even given you a pocket knife."

"Just do me a favor," Violet breathed, "Don't tell Clarke. She'll think I'm too little and she'll get pissed off again you."
"Yeah? Well Clarke still thinks I'm just a criminal."
"You're not a criminal to me." Violet mumbled, "I don't even know what you did."
"I don't know what you did either, V."

"I punched a guard for floating my mom and dad and spent the last four years in lock up."
"I watched my dad get floated for trying to help his kid get better, and then I became the kid who set a guards office on fire."

"That's pretty badass."

"It was pretty stupid if you ask me."

"No, that's badass. The worst trouble I've ever gotten into is trying to sneak out of Mount Weather!"

"You guys never told us about that. I mean, I figure if we get the rest of us outta there we need details, right?"

"It sucked. Just trust me. The foods gross. Jasper was obsessed with their chocolate cake, but if you ask me, it's too sweet. It's not like space food."

"Nothing tops space food, except space food." Murphy sighed.

"What the hell was that?" Violet whispered, stopping in her tracks as she grabbed Murphys arm.

"What? I didn't hear anything."



Violet ran off ahead of him, towards the screaming.

"Violet! Wait!" He groaned.

She ran up to a clearing, stopping behind some bushes as Murphy grabbed her arm and covered her mouth as she almost yelled.
"SHH!" He knelt down next to her, holding her arm.
"We have to save her!" Violets voice was muffled and quiet. "I know." He whispered.

Raven, was tied up to a tree with a familiar face holding a knife to her stomach as they cut into her, not deep enough to kill, but deep enough to bleed and hurt.
"Grounders." Murphy sighed.
"It's Lexa." Violet whispered.
"Lexa. She's the commander. She wanted Finn dead. She's going to kill Raven."
"Look," Murphy whispered, pointing to the old building that was thirty or so feet from Raven and Lexa. "They're here. Why didn't they tell us?" Violet whispered, "It's Kane, Abby, Octavia, Lincoln, Bellamy and Clarke and nobody freaking told me!"
"Yeah, they didn't tell me either." Murphy sighed.
"We have to get her out of there!"
"Just wait, we're screwed if they see us, 'kay?"

"Stop! What are you doing? You'll get yourself killed?"
"I need that bottle!"

Both Murphy and Violet knelt down behind the bushes, watching as Clarke stormed out of the old building, getting scolded by Bellamy as she ripped a bottle out of a grounders hand. "Stop!"

Lexa turned towards her, visibly irritated.

"Let her pass." Lexa spoke rather angrily, as her guards blocked off Clarke.

"One of your people tried to kill you, Lexa. Not mine."

"What the hell did we miss?" Murphy scoffed.

"You should have run." One of Lexa's people, Indra, who had been there the first time Violet met Lexa, walked up to Clarke, irritated and angry.

"I can prove it."

Clarke uncorked a glass bottle, drinking a large amount of the liquid inside as she looked at Lexa, having no reaction.


"The poison wasn't in the bottle. It was in the cup."

A grounder whispered something to Lexa, a half guilty expression laying his face.

"It was you," Bellamy spoke up, "He tested the cup. He searched Raven."

"Gustus would never harm me." Lex's shook her head in disbelief.

"You weren't the target. The alliance was."

"We didn't do this, and you know it."

Lexa thought for a moment, turning towards Gustus, a grounder with a long braid down his back, the sides of his head shaved and a bear.

"This alliance would cost you your life. I could not let that happen."

"This treachery will cost you yours."

"Violet, we should go." Murphy pulled on her jacket, as she nodded.

The other grounders began dragging Gustus to the tree, Bellamy and Clarke untying Raven as she held onto Bellamy's shoulder for support, and soon began cutting into him with knives and words.

"Come on, come on!" Murphy whispered, holding onto Violet's hand as they started running back to camp.

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