Coup de Grace

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"I wanna go home." Violet whispered, holding onto Murphys hand as they walked through the burning hot terrain. "Me too, Violet. Me too." Murphy sighed.

"Sir, do you recognize anything?"
"The tent was near here. I'm sure of it."

Violets jeans had been cut above her knees to make shorts, and Murphy had cut the sleeves off her shirt and used part of it to tie her hair back.

The other men exchanged untrusted glances between each other, as Murphy squeezed Violets hand and pushed past them. "What's the matter? You guys got some place better to be?"
Jaha carefully trekked down a sand hill, shielding the top of his eyes with his hand as he looked around.
There was an abandoned cart laying a few yards from them. "You see anyone?" Murphy asked, coming up behind him.

Violet yelped, as someone jumped out of the cart, pulling a knife on them as she spoke in a different language. "Is she a grounder?" Violet whispered.
Some of the men drew their guns on the woman, as Murphy pushed Violet behind him.
"We mean you no harm." Jaha held his arm out, "Do you speak English?"

"What do you want?"
"Nothing. It looks like you could use a hand. What are you doing out here alone?"

She pulled a cloth off her mouth, to be heard more clearly, "My brother and I were on our way to the City of Light, when Wastelanders attacked. They took our horse. All our water. Everything. They killed him. This cart is all I have left."

"Give her some water." Jaha looked towards the others. Violet picked up her canteen, walking towards her as one of the men grabbed her arm. "No, no, no. We barely have enough for ourselves here."
"Touch her again and I'll end you." Murphy slapped his hand away from her, nodding as Violet walked up to the girl. She unscrewed the lid to her canteen, handing it to her as she spent a second inspecting Violet.
"It's okay."

She took it from her, who quickly took a few sips from it and handed it back to Violet.
"I'm Violet."
"Emori." She smiled anxiously.
"Emori's a really pretty name."

"Emori, we're on our way to the City of Light as well." Jaha interrupted.

"Everyone in the Dead Zome is looking for the City of Light. Almost no one finds it. I can get you there, if you pull my cart."

"Done." Jaha nodded, "Caspian, you're on the first shift."

"Thanks for the water." Emori looked at Violet as Murphy came up behind her. "It was no problem."

They continued going through the Dead Zone for hours before Violet began falling behind, the other men complaining about needing to wait for her.

"Alright, shut the hell up." Murphy snapped, turning around as he picked up Violet. She was sticky with sweat and overheating. She laid her head down over his shoulder ignoring the comments the other men made as she fell asleep. "So I gotta ask, what made you ditch your home and risk your life to cross the beach from hell?" Murphy walked side by side with Emori, letting the others get ahead of them. "It doesn't matter."

"Come on, take my mind off all the fun we're having."
"It wasn't my decision to leave."
"Get kicked out?"
She kept her eyes fixed ahead of them, silently nodding. "Okay, now I'm interested. What did you do?"
"If I told you, you would not look at me the same."
"Maybe. Then again, I might surprise you."
"What about you? How did you end up in the Dead Zone?" "
"I could tell you the gory details, but since you're one of the few people on this planet that doesn't hate me and the moment, I don't think I wanna blow it."
"Now I'm interested."
"Okay, you really wanna know? I killed two people, tried to kill two more. I had my reasons, but nobody cared. I'm the bad guy." She looked at him in a certain way that made him say, "I told you I'd blow it."
She stopped slowly, as the others stayed ahead and took her gloves off. Her left hand was deformed, two pairs of her fingers were fused together and it was significantly larger than the other. "My people saw me as a stain in the bloodline. Something to erase."
"Then screw them. I wouldn't cover it up, I think it's pretty badass."
"Liar." She smirked, "What about her? How old is she?" She motioned towards Violet. "Seven." Murphy sighed, "Her story isn't mine to tell, but I can tell you she's stronger than she looks."

"She's so small. Is she your sister?"
"Why? Do I look like her?"
"Maybe, in a way."
"She's just my kid."

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