Mind Over Matter

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"Finn, he's stable for now. We should go. You ready?" Clarke asked, leaning against the ladder.

"E-even if you can save Lincoln, he won't be the same." Finn hesitated.
Clarke's finger brushed up against the bruise on his neck as she sighed.

"The things he's done.. it'll stay with him."

"We don't know that."
"Yes, we do."
"Lincoln's savable. And so are you. Come on, we have to hurry."

"Wait! Bellamy wants me to go with you guys." Violets voice echoed, as the hatch closed above her and she made her way down the ladder.

"Why? We don't need help." Clarke sighed.
"He doesn't want me around Lincoln till he's not sick anymore."
"He's no-"
"Clarke. Just let her come, it's okay."
"So, where we goin'?"
"Base camp, then the commanders."

"Who's that? What's that?"
"You'll find out, come on."

Violet held onto Finn's hand, walking through the woods with them, back to Camp. Clarke continued speaking in verses that made no sense to Violet, words she had only ever heard from the Ark when her mom had been sick and quarantined before.

"It's not like the hemorrhagic fever. It's not contagious."

"What's con-ta-jesus, mean?" Violet interrupted.
"Contagious, and it means it spreads. Like when everyone got sick at the dropship."
"So Lincoln isn't con-ta-goose?"
"No, he's not a goose." Finn smiled, his hand on her shoulder.

"Right, so, if I can just convince their commander that we can stop it, the attack won't happen."

"What is that?" Violets voice quieted down, as she stopped walking, signaling for the other two to stop and listen.
The loud blaring of a siren echoed through the woods, along with a almost indistinct voice. "Report—-instructor—-ately."

"Shit." Clarke sighed, running through the path as Finn picked up Violet, running after Clarke.
"They're already evacuating!"
"Evacuating? What does that mean!"
"It's like when we left the dropship the first time, right before you went to Mount Weather."
The last two words sent chills down Violets spine, as she swallowed.

"Please don't make me go back there."

"No, no, no. That's not at all whats happening, you'll be safe." Finn whispered, holding her tighter as he felt how uneasy she had become.

"Mom!" Clarke shouted, running up to her mom as a guard recognized them and opened the gate for the three of them.

"Where've you been? We're leaving." Abby spoke.
"I know how to stop the attack!"

"What are you talking about?" Jaha walked up to the four of them, questioning her intentions.
"We haven't negotiated with the Grounders because we haven't had anything to offer. The biggest threat they face is the reapers. I think we may be able to eliminate that threat once and for all."

"H-how?" Abby cleared her throat, unsure of what was to follow.
"Abby! You can't seriously be-"

"What is that?" Violet spoke up, pointing to something outside the gates, just as others began pointing it out.
Fear arose as torches began to light up, in groups just beyond the gate, a few hundred yards.

"What the hell?"

"They're here." Jaha spoke softly, as few by few hundreds of torches were lit, surrounding them.

"Inside, now!"

People began flooding every single entrance, many of them panicking over the sudden arrival of torches just outside the gates, many of the station leaders shouting orders to people, and some directing people.

Violet followed the group into the main station, the counsel room. The doors closed behind them, Jaha taking a seat as they all took a moment to breathe and figure out the next steps.

"They're not attacking yet, which means we still have time." Clarke was the first to start the conversation, quickly having her idea deflected.

"We have two hours till dawn."

"Let me talk to the commander. She was Anya's second. Maybe she'll listen."

"We don't even know if the commander is here." Jaha shook his head.
"We do. Nyko told us. You have to atleast let her try."

"Abby, we are wasting time. Give me the authority now-"

"Hold on," Abby cut Jaha off, her eyes moving between the three kids, mostly focusing on her daughter, "Clarke, you said that Lincoln is going through withdrawal. We don't even know what he's withdrawing from, the detox alone could kill him."

"Thats where you come in."
"And if I can't save him?"
"That's not an option."

"We are risking everything on a bluff? Abby, we have an out. We have a way to save the lives of our people."

"Not all of them." Finn interrupted.
"We will come back to save the kids inside Mount Weather!"
"We all know, that's not gonna happen!"

"Abby, this has gone on long enough. If you do not give the order to begin the exodus, you are killing us all!" Jaha circled around the table, practically taunting Abby as he spoke to her, staring at her.

"I'm sorry. I cant give that order."

"Abby, give the order." He leaned in, whispering in her ear in a daunting voice.


"I am the elected chancellor of the Ark. And I am not going to let you risk the lives of my people. Do you understand? I am going to ask you once again, give the order to begin the exodus!"

"No. Are you through yet?"

His eyes moved off of Abby to the kids, as he walked towards the doors, "Sergeant Miller. Major Byrne. I am relieving Dr. Griffin of her command. Place these four into custody, but make sure they are ready to leave with the rest of us, within the hour."

"Right now, Major! Or the blood of everyone in this camp will be on your hands too."

"Major Byrne, Sergeant Miller. Put Chancellor Jaha in the stockade."

"Yes, ma'am."

Violet breathed a sigh of relief, watching as Byrne and Miller moved him out of the room, with little fight, only him arguing once again, "Everything we did to survive, you're just throwing it all away. Why?"

"Because I have faith too. In my daughter, and the little girl who has been through more shit that any of us, and refuses to back down for anything."

Jaha sighed, shaking his head as they removed him.

"He really likes locking me up." Violet laughed awkwardly.

"Thank you." Clarke exhaled.

"I'll send the guard detail with you." Abby sighed, nodding her head at the kids.

"No. They'll see it as a threat. I have to do this on my own. Finn and Violet will take you to Lincoln."

"If you're wrong, all of us are gonna die."

"No!" Violet raised her voice. "I can help convince them! I wanna go with you!"

"I'm not even going to argue with you anymore." Clarke shook her head.

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