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"What did you say to them?" Violet mumbled, listening as Ezra spoke in a language she was yet to understand, and the grounders around them backed off, from yelling murderers, and other things, to quieted down and relieved.

"I told them you were running from sky people."
"Is that what you call us?"

He led her through the woods for a while, until they had come into what must of been all grounder territory. None of the grounders were attacking though, some of them waved at her, a few said hello to her as well.

"Take this." Ezra spoke, handing her a fishing spear as she held it awkwardly. "It's the same size as me."
He sighed, handing her a much smaller one, and taking the other one. "Teach you how to do some hunting."


"VIOLET!" Murphy shouted in the woods, joined by Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia, and Raven, all looking for her. "She can't have gone far. Shes seven, she wouldn't go far from camp." Octavia suggested, "Violet!"
"The issue isn't her being away from camp, it's finding her before the grounders too. They already killed Finn. We don't need her getting hurt too."
"Yeah, we don't need a war."


Violet rolled her jeans up to her calves, and pulled her boots off, leaving them on land as she followed Ezra into the water.
"Ooh, cold." She whispered, goosebumps covering her body as she stood in the cold water.
She watched as Ezra stepped into the water, not even flinching at its bitter coldness.

He stood still for a moment, shutting his eyes.

"Are you having a heart attack?"
"No. Quiet."

He inhaled, tossing the spear to his left as it stuck into the ground.
He walked over to it, pulling it up to reveal a small river bass.

"Can I try?"

Violet walked out towards him, the water well over her hips as she listened around her and closed her eyes just like he had done.

She heard, or more felt, something move to her right, throwing the spear too hard as she fell in the water and lost the spear. Violet inhaled roughly, coughing up water as she groaned, hair blocking her view as she stood up.

"CLARKE!" She heard herself yell, "ANYA!"

She pushed her bangs out of the way again, walking past Ezra as she laid down on the grassy shoreline, frustrated.

Her whole body was cold now, and not just her legs.

"You ever used a bow?"

"YES!" She shot up, looking at him with excited eyes as he motioned for her to follow him.
She twisted her shirt, squeezing as much water out of it as she could, still being plastered to her body anyways. "You ever kill anything?"
"Not more than a fish."
"Thats it?"
"We don't have animals in space, I've been here for barely two months."
"A month is enough to kill more than a fish."

"I'm seven, you know that right?"
"You look older. Act older too."

They were deeper into the woods now, as Ezra knelt down behind a bush, watching and listening for any wild life. Violet stood up, listening as she heard movement in the far left. She nocked an arrow in place, pulling the string back as she kept it aimed for the tree line.

"Mile four. No sign of them."

She found herself ducking down behind the bush again.
"Oh, shit! We need to get out of here, now!"

"I've dealt with them before, I'll get them to leave us alone, let us pass."

"No, you don't understand!" She whispered.

"It's fine."

"Shut up before they hear you!"

"Hey!"  He called out, standing up.
He couldn't even say another word before a red tranquilizer dart hit him, just like the one that was aiming for Clarke, Anya, and her just awhile back, right in the neck.

He choked on air, collapsing to the ground in seconds.
Violet covered her mouth, crawling deeper into the bush they had been standing behind, finding that it was covered in sharp thorns, and they were now digging into her skin.

She froze, watching as they pulled the dart out of his skin, and started dragging him away by the arms.
They spoke again, "Alpha six, we have one now."
Violet waited until she knew they were far away, and crawled out from under the bush, scraping her arms and back on the branches as she stood up.

She checked again to make sure she couldn't see anyone, and ran, back to camp as fast as she could.
She wouldn't mention the grounder part to anyone, only the part of who she had seen.
She ran until her lungs were on fire again, and her legs felt like they were going to break like twigs.


Violet screamed, trying not to panic as she heard a voice yell, and she tried to run faster, but faster wasn't possible. Her legs were already cramping and burning.
She turned her head quickly, making sure no one was on her tail, to which there was no one.

She turned her head forward again, running into somebody as she lost her balance and fell.

"Violet? What the hell I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"M-Murphy! I thought you were one of them! We need to get out of here!"

"One of them? What?"

"I saw them! The mountain men!"

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