Bodyguard of Lies

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As the shifts changed, it was eventually Murphys turn to pull the cart. He laid Violet down in the cart, letting her rest some more. She stirred at first before Murphy told her to go back to sleep and she did just that.

A loud voice in a foreign language yelled at them, rising up on a horse as they all stopped in their tracks. He had sometime of weapon pointed at them, a missile launcher.

"Chancellor, look out!"
Emori and Murphy found themselves pulling Violet up and out of the cart as she woke up, frightened as they all ducked down.
She wrapped her arms around Emori, clinging to her in fear as Jaha jumped up, "Hold your fire!"

Emori cleared her throat, pulling Violet and Murphy at the same time as she held her knife to Murphys throat, facing the others as she held one hand around Violets arm, keeping her from running off. "Let me go!"

"Everybody, put your weapons and supplies in the cart, and nobody gets hurt." Emori's attitude changed in seconds.

"If we give you our supplies, we'll all die out here."
"If you don't, you'll die right here." She tightened her grip around Violets arm, pressing her knife closer to Murphys throat.

"Do as she says, now!" Jaha ordered.

The man on the horse spoke in the same language as earlier, as Emori responded.

"How's your faith holding up, Chancellor?"

"Shut up!" Emori spoke.

"Unwavering." Jaha smiled weakly, "You don't wanna do this!"

"Stop walking." Emori balked at him.

"We all came out here searching for a better life, same as you. Maybe we can find it. If we work together.

Violet shifted uncomfortably, the lump in her throat quickly turning into tears.

"Thanks. But no." Emori sighed.
"Now, everyone back away from the cart and get on your knees. Now!" She yelled.

"Do what she says!" Jaha ordered once again.

"You too." She looked at him, watching as he got on his knees. She pulled her arm away from Violet, pushing her down on her knees as she did the same with Murphy, still holding her knife at them.

"What a surprise, you're just like everyone else." Murphy spoke up. She leaned closer to them, whispering as she pulled her knife across the top of Violets arm, and punched Murphy across the face hard enough to knock him out.

Violet cried out, covering her arm with her other hand as she fell back. Jaha and the other men began flocking around the two of them as Emori took the cart, heading out with the man and the horse.

"Let me see!" Jaha spoke, grabbing her as he tried to sit her up and she screamed at him, kicking him in the leg. "Don't touch me!"
"Let us help you!"
"Don't fucking touch me!"

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