Long into an Abyss

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"Hey princess." Murphy spoke, sitting against a wall as he waited for her to wake up.

"I'm not princess." She mumbled, stretching as she sat up and looked at him.

"Okay, sunshine. Let's get something to eat."
"Why am I sunshine?" She asked, her legs dangling over the side of the bed as she stood up slowly.

"Cause, Violets grow with sunshine," he picked up a small bundle, handing it to her, "Abby got these for you."

She pulled the bundle open, a pair of khaki pants and a grey t-shirt with an old disintegrating picture of a bridge. Many of the letters were missing, but the red bridge over the water completed the picture either way.

"Oh, and these might be too big, they were mine from awhile ago, not in the best shape but they're small."
Murphy turned back towards her, handing her a pair of brown-tan boots with black laces.

"Thank you."

"I'll be just outside the door."

"Can you keep talking? So I know you didn't leave me."

"Okay, how are your bruises looking?" He asked a little bit louder, standing by the door.

"I don't know, they don't really hurt anymore."
"Are they less colorful?"
"Yeah, I'd say so. My leg doesn't hurt that much."
"That's good."

"Hey, Murphy?"
"I don't know how to tie my shoes."
He stifled a laugh, "Come on out here, I'll tie them for you."

She walked outside the doors, sitting down on the floor, watching as Murphy knelt down, tying her boots.

"Alright, come on."
The two of them stepped out of medical, Violet soaking in the unfamiliar surroundings again.

"Medical, board room, farm station, mecha station." Murphy pointed to a few different sections of the Ark, then clearing his throat. "Most of them are holding people for sleep, not so much for their actual use anymore."

"Hey, what station were you on?"

"Oh, factory station. My dad was in charge of making weapons for the guard, and my mom made all of the clothing for the whole Ark."

"That where you learned to make those bows?"
"Yeah, my dad taught me before he died."

"My dad died trying to get medicine for his sick son, what happened to yours? Must of been bad if you were so young when they floated."

"I never found out, really. I watched them float."

"You watched your parents float?"

"The guards forced me to, as a secondary punishment for my parents crimes, I guess. That's when I got locked up. I panicked, seeing them got torn into space and suffocate, I hit on of the guards and called him a murderer because he hit the button that killed my mom and dad."

"How old were you?"

"You were three, and watching your parents get floated and got sent to skybox?"

"I never got a trial, they just kept me up there. Raven visited me everyday, and every once in awhile she could get some crafts for me to do."

"That, that's really shitty."
"It is."

Murphy thought for a moment, turning over a stick over the fire, in the makeshift food storage area outside, three large fires cooked pieces of meat & a small garden had been started.

"We have what looks like some type of shish kebab, with meat, some vegetables, or you got an apple and bread."

"I'll take the apple. You can have the bread if you want it."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm okay." Murphy shrugged, handing her the apple as she sunk her teeth into it and savored the sweetness.

"Alright, I figured we get your hair taken care of, and then get you out for a bit, probably with Clarke or-"

Both Violet and Murphy turned, people crowding in a large group in front of the main Ark building.

"Is that-?"
"Jaha." Murphy sighed, watching him walk out next to now Chancellor Abby.


"By now, you've all heard the rumor. And unfortunately it's true. The grounders are coming." Abby spoke.

"What's going on?" A voice whispered behind them, Clarke and Finn joining them as Violet shrugged.
"It's an announcement of some sort, something about the grounders." Murphy whispered.

"I cant see." Violet whispered, standing on her tip toes, as Finn scooped her up, holding her on the side of his hip.

"Can you see now?"

"We have a difficult decision to make. Thankfully, Chancellor Jaha has found his way back to us. And we're discussing all options." Abby nodded her head, Jaha stepping forward.

"But to be safe, you need to pack. Now. Whatever you can carry. We may need to leave at a moments notice."

"Oh, hell no." Violet whispered, looking at Finn.
"I just got here, I just left Mount Weather I can't move around again just yet. I won't make it."
"I-I know, but, we'll figure it out." Finn sighed.

"Where will we go?" A member of the crowd spoke up, asking everybody's thoughts for them.

"I don't know, is the answer. But I've heard of a place."
He took a moment to breathe, observing the crowd and pointing towards the North.
"A city of light. It's across the dead zone."

"What makes you think we'll make it there?"

"Because, we made it here. I have faith. And right now, given the alternative, that's good enough for me."
The crowd began to grow silent before Clarke spoke up, all eyes now on her, Murphy, Violet and Finn.
"Not for us. If we leave, what happens to our people in Mount Weather?"

"As your mother said... that is a very difficult decision to make. But the time has come for each and everyone of us to ask, is this how the story of our people ends? Did we come all this way, just to die tomorrow? Because if we're not gone by the time that sun rises, that is exactly what will happen!"

"No decision has been made. In the meantime, please report to your station supervisors and gather emergency supplies." Abby finished off the announcement.

Finn set Violet down, as she found herself holding onto Murphys jacket so she wouldn't be trampled or lost in the moving crowd.

Violet turned, watching as Bellamy approached them, a worried look on his brow.
"Where have you been?" Clarke spoke.
"In the dropship. You need to come back with me right now."
"Why? What's happened?" Clarke lowered her voice.
"I'll explain on the way. Bring a medkit, meet me at Raven's gate." Before Clarke could even speak, Bellamy was running back towards the direction of the dropship.

"This is my fault. The grounders are attacking because of me." Finn spoke softly, guilt in his tone.


"The grounders are attacking because that's what they do."

"Guys." Murphy raised his voice, being ignored as Clarke and Finn had their own conversation in front of him and Violet.

"Go with Bellamy. Your mom said no decision has been made. If that changes I'll let you know."

"Why is it your fault?"
Both Finn and Clarke's eyes drifted towards Violet, realizing she had been long unaware of the recent events, and Murphys ignored warning.

"I-We'll explain when I get back, stay with Murphy."
"No, I'm coming with you!" Violet stood her ground.
"Violet, your going to be in the way, stay here, please."
"I'm coming with you! I'm tired of being left in the dark over and over again."
"Fine. Murphy, are you coming with or staying?" Clarke sighed, watching as he shrugged.
"I'll stay with Finn. Sunshine can take care of herself."
She nodded, looking at Violet.
"Come on, let's go."

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