Many Happy Returns (Part Three)

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"Anya!" Clarke pulled on the rope, stopping her as she turned around.
"You're still bleeding. At least let me bandage it before it gets infected. Please?"
Anya sighed, looking at the wound.
She gasped lightly, looking at Clarke with a face of distrust, as she stuck Anya with a tranquilizer dart she had pulled off the trees from earlier in the day.

"Holy, hell! Clarke!" Violet pulled on Clarke's arm, "Are you crazy!"
"Violet, she was going to kill us!"

Violet sighed, an exasperated expression on her face as she found herself out of words, looking between Clarke and Anya now laying on the ground, mostly unconscious.

"She was my friend." Violet whispered.
"I can find our way home from here. Looks like you're my prisoner now." Clarke whispered, her eyes held revenge in them, as she began pulling Anya by her legs through the woods.

"She was never your friend."
"She was never your friend, Violet."
"She saved me. I can call her a friend."

"I never thought about it like that, I guess."
"I know, you don't-"

"Hey, look!" Clarke picked up the pace a little, still dragging Anya behind her as she stood, taking in the scene around them.
It was the exact same as before Mount Weather happened.
Singed trees and shrubs covered the entire area, the bones of descended grounders that hadn't been completely incinerated were everywhere, and the foul smell of sulfur still reeked through the air.
"It's empty." Violet sighed, confused as to why they were here.
"Clarke, the walls are still down, nobody's been here."

"Make sure she doesn't get up without me knowing, sit there." Clarke breathed, walking away from her.

Violet sat down, anxiously picking at the skin under her nails and ignoring Clarke, as she walked up to the old drop ship, the trees and land around just as it was before, burnt to ashes and dead.
Clarke was looking at the side of the drop ship, a scuffed message carved into it, the pigment of what might have been chalk run down by rain.

"Oh, fuck." Violet whispered, putting her hands down as she realized Anya had woken up.

Anya rolled over, sitting up dizzily, as she grunted.

"Clarke." Violet raised her voice.

"I'm doing something." Clarke ignored her, looking at the message and searching around for any other signs.
"Clarke she's-"

"Violet, I just said I'm busy."

"SHES AWAKE!" Violet shouted.

"What?" Clarke turned, her heart sinking as she realized what Violet was trying to warn her about.

"I told you not to poke the bear!"

"Anya, wait!"
She swung her fists at Clarke, as she ducked, grunting as she did so.

"Oh, shit!" Violet stood up, running towards Clarke as she tried to stop them from fighting, yelling at them as she tried to avoid being punched.

Clarke grunted, picking up a charred log as she swung it at Anya, throwing it towards her as Anya pushed against it.
She brought her knee up, kneeling Clarke in the chest as she yelped.

"STOP! STOP IT!" Violet yelled, grabbing Clarke's torso as she pulled her down closer to the ground, getting shoved back as Clarke yelled at her.

She grabbed the log, hitting Anya's chest with it, as Anya kicked her.

"NO! STOP!" Violet sobbed, grabbing Clarke's hand as she tried to pull on her.

The side of the log that Clarke had been so furiously holding onto, slammed into Violet as she fell on her back, holding her face in her hands as she cried, and Clarke collapsed.

Violet rolled over, holding herself up on all fours as she touched her nose, blood covering her hand as she turned her head, Anya and Clarke fighting again, except now Clarke had some sort of knife.

"I don't wanna kill you, Anya."
"Then you're the one who gets to die."

Violet screamed, watching as they tried to stab each other, "STOP IT! YOU'RE SCARING ME!" She sobbed, watching again as Anya brought down the knife on Clarke's arm, then torso, earning pained yells.  She head butted Clarke and causing her to fall on the ground, barely able to get up again before Anya tackled her, knocking her right into Violet, as both of them fell back.

Violet laid on her back, wheezing and coughing as Anya and Clarke squashed her underneath them, Anya trying to stab Clarke.

"ANYA, STOP IT!" Violet screamed, her heart pounding as Anya yelled, getting thrown to the side as Clarke gripped her fingers around the wound on her arm.

"STOP, YOU'RE KILLING EACH OTHER!" Violet screamed, sitting up as she held her stomach with her arms.

Clarke sat on top of Anya, both covered in blood from hitting each other as Clarke sat up, holding the knife above Anya's chest as Violet begged and pleaded for them to stop again and again.

Clarke's attention was diverted as she planted the knife in the ground, looking up. 

"You fought well." Anya whispered.

"Do you see that?" She breathed, "I knew it. He lied, my people are out there. Violet, look! They're alive."

Violet groaned, collapsing into the dirt as she burried her face into her arms.

"Come on, we gotta go Violet!"
Violet sat up, glaring at her.

"What's wrong?"

"You just tried to kill each other in front of me! You just hit me in the face with a tree branch, and then you slammed me into the dirt under you!" She sobbed.

"You'll be fine." She shrugged.

"Oh screw you, Clarke. Screw you!" She yelled, standing up as she left the two of them, walking towards where Clarke had been pointing, whatever it had been.

"Violet, hang on!" Clarke grabbed Anya's wrists, tying her wrists together again as she pulled her off the ground, running after Violet, apologizing profusely.

"You can't ignore me forever!"

"Oh, trust me. I'll find a way." She cried quietly, walking away from her.

"Violet, I saved you!"

"I didn't ask to be saved by a monster from hell! You, are a monster from hell."

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