Long into an Abyss (Part Three)

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"She's not bleeding, just more bumps and bruises." Bellamy spoke quietly, looking over arms and legs for any more injuries.

"He sounds worse." Violet whispered, sitting with her back against the wall and her knees to her chest, watching them hold Lincoln down as they reattached the metal chains to the floors, this time making sure they were tightly zig zagged across his body. No chance he could break free.

"Yeah, thanks we know." Clarke sighed in an annoyed tone, pushing her blonde hair out the way. "We have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out. Hold his leg down."
Bellamy pushed his hands on top of his leg, one by his ankle and one by his femur and Lincoln groaned, his breathing was rattly and fast.

Octavia tried to keep him hydrated, dripping water in his mouth from a canteen, but he only spat it out in frustration and the likelihood that he didn't recognize O' at the moment.

"I'll get some more." She sighed.
"O, once the drug is out of the system he'll be okay." Bellamy stood up, trying to reassure his sister.
"You can't protect me from this one, big brother."

"Damn it. Violet, come over here, carefully." Bellamy motioned for her to come over towards him. Her hands were shaking as she knelt down next to him.
"Put your hands here," she placed one of her hands on his femur, "and here." and the other on his lower calf, Bellamy's holding his wounded leg down.

"If she gets hurt, I swear to god." Clarke muttered.

"You didn't seem to care when you smacked me with a tree branch and I was drenched in blood!" Violet snapped.

"What?" Bellamy spoke up.

"Shes the reason my face was so beat up! She hit me with a branch and almost crushed me to death."

"That's not at all, how it happened!"

"It is too! You were too busy trying to kill Anya to even notice that you hit me!"

"ENOUGH!" Bellamy shouted, getting the both of them to stop arguing. "We treat Lincoln now, argue later!"

Violet huffed, both annoyed at Clarke and herself for bringing it up again.

"Your mom would be proud." Bellamy whispered, trying to make things less awkward.

"My mom would know how to save him." Clarke sighed.

"Violet, can you go find Octavia and make sure she's okay?" Clarke breathed, her face clearly tired and her voice sore. Violet nodded, taking a step back as she tripped on something and fell back, being caught by something.

She looked up to see a softer looking person compared to Lincoln, but yet still a grounder had caught her before she hit the ground, one of his hands around her arm and the other on her back.

Violets head shot up as she realized Bellamy was pointing a gun at the two of them, as she yelped, covering her face with her hands.

Octavia raised her voice, coming up the hatch behind them, "Bellamy don't! He's Lincoln's friend, and their healer!"

"Let her go!"

"Bell, she tripped over his foot and he caught her!" Octavia explained, reaching down.

Bellamy sighed, putting the gun down as Violet exhaled, and Octavia held her hands out, helping Violet back up to her feet. "Violet, this is Nyko."
Violet took a moment to study his complexion.
He had dark brown hair kept in dreads, and a long matching beard. He had tattoos all over his body, but his hands were kept clean and he didn't look as scary now that Violet had gotten a good look at him.

"Thanks for catching me." She spoke quietly, as he nodded, a soft smile printed over his face that was almost unnoticeable.

"He's seizing again." Clarke announced, letting Nyko take a look at Lincoln, as he set a small pouch bag down, unfolding it to expose an array of glass vials, and different medicine bottles.
He traced his eyes over them, picking up a stained tan bottle, and pulling the top off.

"Yu gonplei, ste odon."

He held the vial over Lincoln's mouth as a drop fell.


Clarke held her hand out, stopping the fluid from falling to Lincoln's mouth as Nyko drew his knife from his side.

"Back off, right now!" Bellamy raised his voice, pointing the rifle at him.

Octavia pulled her arm around Violet's waist, pushing the little girl behind herself, as she held her hand in front of Bellamy, getting him to put the gun to the floor.

"Yu gonplei ste odon. It's what they say before death. He's not trying to heal him. He's trying to kill him." Clarke shook her head.

Octavia knelt down, looking at Nyko.
"Is it true?"

He hesitated, swallowing as he nodded.
"Yes. Death is the only way."

"Hold on, there could be a way to bring him back." Clarke spoke.

"None that I've ever seen." Nyko shook his head.

"We have to go! The camps leaving!"

"Finn!" Violet rushed over to him, hugging him for a brief moment as he smiled. "Missed you too. We have to stop—"

"You!" Nyko yelled, pushing Violet out of his way as he shoved Finn into the back wall, cutting off his words.


Violet screamed, getting pulled out of the way by Octavia as they all began yelling.

"GET OFF HIM!" Once again, Bellamy had his gun pointed at Nyko, now seeming to be a common occurrence.

"You slaughtered my people! Elders. Children. Innocents!" He growled, holding his hands against Finns throat.

"Nyko, you're killing him!" Octavia shouted.

"Blood must have blood!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Bellamy, you are not shooting him! No!"

"Move, now! Move!"

"STOP IT!" Violet screamed, pressing a stun baton into Nykos back, as he grunted and fell to the ground.

"Holy shit." Bellamy exhaled.

She tossed it to the side, wiping a few tears off of her face as Finn knelt down, breathing pretty heavily as he wrapped her in a tight hug.
"Thank you." He whispered, picking Violet up as they watched more panic set it.

"Lincoln?" Octavia whispered, kneeling down next to him.
"He's not breathing!"

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