6. sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes

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Lily's head soon rested against Caitlin's blanket covered shins. Barbie Princess Charm School was playing on Liliana's computer and she was sound asleep. Every once in a while, Caitlin would get distracted by the movie and start running her fingers through Lily's hair.

"Hey, Cait?" She hears Monika's voice from her front door, the door closing a few moments later.

"In my room!" Caitlin calls back, knowing Lily wouldn't wake. She was a heavy sleeper. Monika steps inside the room, the wood floor creaking gently under her sock-covered feet.

Her eyes land on Lily's sleeping form immediately, "She's gonna hate me for waking her up." Monika says and Cailtin nods.

"That's why I didn't. She already asked her family if she could drop out and next time they see us, apparently they're giving us money for being her tutors," Caitlin explains, a small smile on her lips as she types up the rest of her paper. Lily was proofreading and helping until she fell asleep. It didn't bother Caitlin. As long as she got it done, it was fine.

Monika sits on the bed, Lily's calculator and notebook with all her scratch paper in it sits off to the side, "she's got like an hour and a half until it's due," Monika says, brushing the blonde's hair from her eyes.

"Hey, Lils," Monika whispers gently, shaking the blonde a little, "Lils, you gotta get this homework done," the Czinano says.

Lily stirs slowly, squeezing her eyes shut as she rubs them, pushing the sleep from them. She yawns, "What time is it?"

"Almost ten thirty, come on, let's get this math done," Caitlin says, turning her paper in.

Lily pushes herself up, looking at the brunette, "Did you get your paper done?" Caitlin nods, closing her computer.

"Now, let's do yours," she says softly.

"I feel like a child."

Caitlin smiles, putting an arm around her shoulders. Monika says, "We're your parents," at the same time Caitlin presses a sloppy kiss to Lily's cheek, making the girl chuckle softly. They were expecting her to be more pissed off, but they were glad she wasn't. She loved her sleep.

Lily pauses her movie, moving back to the tab with all of her math on it, "I did most of it and Cait checked them, but I didn't want to take her away from her paper, so these are the ones I didn't do," Lily explains to Monika while showing them the four problems she didn't understand and didn't want to ask about. She always got nervous about asking for help. She didn't want to seem stupid and her parents couldn't help her with math much as a kid, so she mostly relied on Monika to help as well as the minimal questions she asked her teachers.

Monika and Caitlin explain the problems and Lily does them as they do, still confused as ever, but just following along with what they say to get it done. With twenty minutes to spare, she finishes the assignment and turns it in, her work attached on Google classroom.

"Do you understand it better?" Monika asks.

Lily presses her lips together, but nods, "A little," she sighs. "I feel stupid," she adds, spinning the ring on her finger.

Caitlin wraps an arm around Lily shoulders again, this time comfortingly, "You're not stupid, Lily. Math's just not your thing, that's okay." She says reassuringly and Monika nods in agreement.


liked by meanarina and others notcaitlinclark22, fell asleep to barbie to avoid doing mathtagged, lilyssecretspot

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liked by meanarina and others
notcaitlinclark22, fell asleep to barbie to avoid doing math
tagged, lilyssecretspot

view comments. . .

maybekate, did she get it done?
— notcaitlinclark22, yes she did

lilyssecretspot, wdym? i didn't fall asleep...
— monc25, mhm mhm

meanarina, what barbie movie tho?
comment liked by meanarina

kennywarnock, oh lily-
comment liked by lilyssecretspot

gabsmarshall, math is gross
— lilyssecretspot, AGREED

authors note
lily is how i act when i do math 👍🏻😐

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