10. loose lips sink ships

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iowa v. iowa state: december 7, 2022
final score: 70-57, iowa wins
carver-hawkeye area

The Iowa State versus University of Iowa game is always a good game. We were lucky enough that the state was so supportive of women's basketball that we could even have this game. It's a "rivalry" game as we all call it, but we know there's not really much of a rivalry.

We had won the game 70-57. Caitlin, Kate, and Monika each had scored points in the double digits which is a big accomplishment in any game, no matter how good you are. The crowd tonight was crazy as well. It's always nice to see how encouraging the state of Iowa is with women's sports.

After the game, I met up with my mom, brother, and sister as we waited for the girls to come out of the locker room once Bluder and J had talked to them.

"No way!" A women's voice says, a shorter blonde appearing at my side. It was Sabrina, decked out in her cheer uniform from the game, "It's so nice to see you guys!"

Sabrina had met my family a few times, even coming home once or twice when Monika and I visited Minnesota.

"Hi, Sab," my mother smiles sweetly, "It's so good to see you too, Hon."

The two of them talk for a little bit before another voice fills our ears. We hear Monika before we see her, "Hey, second family!" She says loudly, walking up to the five of us. She has a pair of sweatpants on, her jacket in her hands with her bag over her shoulder.

"Surprise, surprise!" I say with a smile.

"Mon!" Alina says first as Monika reaches us, pulling my sister in for a hug.

Cole hugs her next before mom gets her arms around Monika, "We have missed you so much," Mom tells Monika with a grin, cupping the girl's face and kissing her cheeks.

"I missed you guys too, Momma Jess," Monika says, hugging my mom again. It brings a smile to my face that only gets wider as Caitlin approaches.

"The Grant/Dalton clan!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around my sister's neck from behind.

She hugs each one of my family members (mom kisses her cheeks too) before taking a spot next to me. Monika is standing between my mom and Cole. Caitlin snakes an arm around my shoulders, just slightly pulling me into her.

"You two played great tonight," Mom compliments, "You all played very well," she adds with a smile.

The two of them grin, thanking her softly. I look up at Caitlin who is already looking at me. My stomach turns into knots, but I try my best to ignore them as I stare at her. I shrug my shoulders, "You did okay," I tease.

She licked her lips, a smile forming, "Uh huh?" she questions.

I nod, trying to keep my laughter contained.

"Okay, pretty girl, you go out there and shoot around, see if you can judge then," she teases back, poking my sides which makes me jump. My cheeks are burning from the pet name usage.

I shake my head, "I'm good, I'm good," I tell her.

"That's what I thought," she says, pulling me back toward her, by the waist this time and lets her hand rest on my hip. My family laughs at us, including Monika and Sabrina.

I brush off the way Sabrina looks Caitlin and I up and down as if she's disgusted about something. My eyes meet Monika's as we've both witnessed the way she stared, but I averted my attention else where.

As we talk, Sabrina says her goodbyes and walks away. Once she leaves, we decide where to eat dinner.

authors note

she, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now