51. all we know is touch and go

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narrative (on the longer side)
tw: sickness, throwing up

Waking up in the middle of the night to run to the bathroom to throw up was not ideal. I hated the thought of even throwing up, so I tried to swallow down the burning sensation in my throat. It was absolutely no use. I had barely had anything in my stomach except for the little food I ate at dinner hours ago and water.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I knelt by the toilet of our hotel bathroom, emptying my stomach into it. God, I hated throwing up. Ever since I was a young girl, I have just hated being sick. My mom used to say I threw fits until I cried myself to sleep because I hated that my nose was stuffy. A little dramatic on my part, but for some reason, being sick used to scare me.

A few moments pass before I feel my hair being pulled away from my face, a soft hand on my back, "Hey, Lils, it's okay," I hear Caitlin say gently, rubbing small circles through the fabric of my clothing.

Once I was done throwing up, I leaned back, my shoulder's hitting Caitlin's knees as I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie (which would be coming off since I had contaminated it by accident). Caitlin stared down at me as I moved to rest my back against the bathtub and I saw Monika standing in the doorway.

Cait took a seat beside me, wiping away my tears with the pads of her fingers, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I say, my body shaking as a few more tears fall, "I didn't mean to wake you guys up."

Cait pulled me in close to her so I could hear her heartbeat and began to stroke my hair, "Don't you ever apologize, babe. You never have to apologize for anything, especially being sick." I have never been a person who likes having others take care of me. I hate the idea of being a burden in somebody's life.

"You guys have a game in the morning. I can't be the reason you two aren't well rested. It wouldn't be fair to either of you or the rest of the girls," I take a deep breath, trying so hard not to throw up yet again.

Caitlin gently presses her hand to my forehead and my cheek, "Lils, you're burning up."

"I'm okay," I mumble, knowing we don't have any medicine in the hotel room.

My girlfriend shakes her head, "No, you're not. I'm gonna call Bluder real quick. Mon, stay with her," Caitlin says, getting up and Monika sits in front of me on the bathroom floor as Caitlin walks into the other room to grab her phone.

Monika places her hands on my kneecaps, probably hoping to calm me down. I feel as if my head is full of clouds as I sit, trying to focus all my energy to look at Mon and not think of how sick I feel. "Are you okay?" She asks and I shake my head no, looking right in her eyes.

"Just take a few deep breaths," she says, trying to comfort me and I nod, doing as she says.

Caitlin comes back into the bathroom after a few minutes, "Bluder's going to bring some medicine before we leave later," she says. I catch the time on her phone. 4:27 in the morning.

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