41. ever and evermore

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caitlin's pov

Once everyone is done taking pictures, cutting the net, and getting pulled over for interviews, we all head to the locker room to listen to Bluder talk and get changed. When they're done, a few girls leave, going to get on the bus to go back to the hotel.

I look around at my remaining teammates, not sure if Lily had talked to any of them about going to dinner. Kate, Gabbie, Monika, Taylor, and Sydney were still in the locker room.

The reporters were gone now and all that was left was us; the team, myself, and my girl. Lily was smiling as she looked through the pictures she had captured, showing them to Taylor and Gabbie when she saw one she liked.

I could finally just keep my eyes on her and watch her as the girl I fell in love with, not just a close friend like we have to act in front of everyone. Coach Bluder peaks her head in, surveying who is left inside before walking toward me, but my eyes stay on Lily. I feel Bluder's hand on my shoulder, "She's your dream, isn't she?"

I hadn't talked about my relationship with Lily to Bluder or Coach J a whole lot. Sure, they've asked about it a little bit, but they also care about Lily. A small smile makes its way onto my lips as I look away from my girlfriend and to my coach.

"I'd say so... She's my favorite person in the world," I tell her, popping my knuckles. Without asking, Bluder knows how much Lily means to me.

Bluder just nods with a smile, letting her hand drop from my shoulder, "Have a good night, kid," she says before walking out of the locker room. Lily's putting her camera away when my eyes settle on her.

I look at Mon and Kate who are shouldering their bags, getting ready to go, "Hey, do you two wanna go get dinner with Lily and I?"

The two looked at each other then back at me and shake their heads, "Family dinner!" they say almost in unison, just a little off.

I shake my head with a small smile, looking toward Gabbie and Taylor now. I guess Syd left when I was talking to Bluder and I didn't see her walk out, "Do you guys wanna go? We can drop whoever off at the hotel after."

"Hell yeah, not passing up a chance to grub!" Gabbie says with a smile on her face. I chuckle a bit as Lily makes her way over to me.

Taylor nods in agreement with Gabbie. I can't stop the smile that grows when I see Lily. I see a grin on her lips too, "There's my pretty girl," I say as a blush appears on both of our cheeks.

She looks up at me, "Hi, love," Lily says softly, leaning into my body as she stands next to me.

"Do y'all mind if I kiss my girl?" I ask the girls who stand around us, acting as if we've never kissed in front of any of them. Lily lets a few chuckles escape her lips at my words.

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