2. Forks

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After the flight, Nico and I stood waiting for Charlie's cruiser. Isabella, my cousin, would arrive tomorrow, Isabella stopped visiting Charlie a few months after her parents split up. I kept visiting and got permission to tell him about our world and he even let Luke, Anna, Thalia and I stay there while we were being chased by monsters. He knew about my 'death' but Isabella just thinks I was sent over seas for school.

When we saw Charlie's car pull up we rush to put our bags in the boot. It was pouring with rain so I had to allow myself to get wet otherwise it would be quite suspicious. Once we entered the car Charlie started talking (he's very awkward but when he's comfortable with you he can talk your ears off) "I missed you Lizzie!" He says as he tackles me in to a hug, "I've missed you to Uncle." I mutter.

"Nico right?" Nico just nodded, "I cleared up the attic and got someone to build a bathroom in there so you both don't have to go down stairs, I didn't paint because your mom called me saying you are going to do it with your friend over here. She also said not to buy anything, so I didn't buy much just a bookcase and a lock for your door." "Thank you." Nico said. Charlie hummed, "Your mom said that you have a car and it's being shipped her?" Charlie asked. "Yip, my friends and I bought a Jeep after I came back with Thalia." I responded. The rest of the drive was filled with small talk and catching up.

Once we arrived home, it had stopped raining, but the wind was blowing. Me and Nico don't really feel the cold because of the underworld. It's pretty cold there. We got our bags and headed inside. The house was just like I remembered, Charlie led us to the attic and said we should unpack and let everyone know we're safe.

There was nothing to unpack, but we sent texts on our friend group, and I called Mum. After that, we asked Charlie if we could go to the shops and he just responded by giving us his car key and our own set of house keys.

Driving to the mall we both talked about what we were going to do, I was going to buy books to fill my bookcase. Nico was going to go see beds and cupboards that we could buy tomorrow with Billy's truck. Billy Black was an amazing man, and Charlie's best friend he also knows what we are. Nico just wanted to shadow the bed and stuff there, but Chiron said no magic for the first week. Otherwise, our sents are too strong, and monsters think Yum a snack and come kill us.

°•°•The Next Day•°•°

Today, we and Nico went and bought all the things for our room and set it up. Isabella was only coming later, and Nico wanted to scoop out the woods by our house. Last night, we realised we could sneak out, thanks to Charlie's not so subtle hint, by the relatively big window that is coincidently placed on the roof near a tree. We thanked him, and Nico even gave him a hug, which shocked all three of us.

We were painting the room a greyish color and adding the LED light by the roof, under our beds, and by the window. The attic was massive even with the bathroom it was big. Nico's and my bed were on the furthest side from the door, and close to the window, mine was closer. The book shelves (we bought another one) were placed opposite our beds against the wall and our cupboards were near the bathroom which was near the door. We had a flatscreen in the middle of the two bookcases and that was perfectly in the middle. We had a smallish table to write, study, etc. and two beanbags laying on the floor.

Our curtain was magical, so nothing could see in but we could see out in also didn't allow any light in when closed. It was a black colour and fit amazingly with the room. We installed the lock Charlie gave us and got a lock for the window. We got a magical safe that we keep all our weapons in and our drachmas.

Isabella arrived at 4:37. We greeted each other, and she left to unpack. While she did this , we went exploring. We found shifters, but they looked harmless. They didn't see us, so we went home and were greeted with Billy and Jacob. I pulled Billy aside and told him what we saw and he said he fucking knew. Like what the fuck. Why didn't he tell us?

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