10. Cliff Diving

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Isabella was finally getting better, she started hanging out with her friends again and even with Jacob Black. Of course it only took Charlie threatening to send her back to Phoenix for her to grow up, but beggars can't be choosers. Nico had left for a quest last night leaving me on my fucking own.

The quest was a one man quest. Apparently only Nico son of Hades could succeed at completing the stupid thing. Anyways I lost all contact with Carlisle, Jasper and Rose as soon as Isabella started acting human again. They all have either ghosted me or completely blocked my number which has pissed me off.

Today was nothing special just a normal weekend, I planned on catching up with all my reading. I was on my fourth book when I heard a car pull up in the driveway, Isabella wasn't supposed to be here until later and Charlie was busy with work. Looking out my window I see a car that caused my blood to freeze over, that's Carlisle car.

As if to shatter any hope I have left Alice jumped out looking quite stressed, she ran to my front door and knocked or rather slammed her fist to tell me to open. I hurried downstairs and opened for her, "Where's Bella?" "Hello to you too Alice." My sarcasm coming out stronger that intended. "Isabella is with Jacob why'd you ask?" After a second of silence Alice shook out if her thoughts, "is she alive?" The bluntness in her question shocked me, "Yes, why wouldn't she be?" My patience wearing thinner as the seconds ticked by. "She jumped off a cliff." Alice blurted out, judging by her face she wasn't ment to say that.

I felt the anger build up in me, "She did what?" I questioned, praying I heard wrong. "I had a vision of her jumping off a cliff and now I can't see her future." Alice said barely above a whisper "huh..." The anger evident in my voice.

Not long after I heard Isabella's truck pull up. We heard her talking to someone, who I can only guess is Jacob. She rushed in and was greeted with an angry Alice and an angry me. "Isabella Swan have you lost the two gods damned brain cells you actually have? What in fucks fucking name were you thinking? Jumping off a bloody cliff!" I asked seething. "I-" Isabella stuttered.

Turns out that she went 'cliff diving' because she saw the shifters do it. Alice had a vision of this and told Rose, Alice drove here because she couldn't see Isabella's future anymore. Rose told Edward because he finally came back and read her mind. Edward's now going to kill himself in Italy.

"We have to go to Italy now!" Yelled Isabella while she dragged me to my room. "Pack." Was all I got as she slammed my door. Sighing I walked to the safe and pulled out my backpack, I packed a pair of clothes in and my weapons, after I was satisfied with the contents in the bag I went and changed. I wore a black oversized Hoodie with a pair of camouflage tights and combat boots.

The flight was uneventful, we all sat in one row next to each other. During the entire flight all I could hear was Isabella's bullshit on how it was all her fault Edward was going to kill himself as if we didn't already know this. We landed a few hours after take off, I had a migraine from all her crap.

We got off the plane and Alice went to get us a car, she told us to wait outside for her. Two minutes later I see a yellow sports car pull up and Alice yelling at us the get in. We jump in and I put on my seatbelt just as Alice became to drive off, not that you can classify whatever she's doing as driving but the point still stands.

He's going to reveal himself an 12 and that number was approaching awfully fast. There was about five minutes before twelve. Alice has instructed Isabella to run to him because if he sees Alice or me here he'll think we've come to stop him and he'll do it faster. Isabella took off running faster than I thought was possible for a person like her. Alice and I started walking over as Isabella disappeared from my view.

Suddenly Alice stops dead in her tracks, "I shouldn't have brought you here." Her voice held so much regret and sorrow it made me worried about what she could have seen. She kept looking at me with a pitiful expression covering her face. "What did you see Alice?" Finally breaking, my question seemed to break her out for her trace like state. "Something that's all my fault, I'm so so sorry Lizzie." She pleaded, her voice laced with guilt and sorrow. What the hell did she see?

Pondering the question I hardly even acknowledge that Edward and Isabella had final come into view and we were quickly approaching them. "I'm sorry." Whispered Alice sounding close to tears. This only added questions to my already confused self. We were now a foot or two away from the idiots that dragged us here.

As we got to them Edward gasped looking horrified at Alice, "Why in hell's name did you bring her?" He spat angrily. "I didn't know." Alice snapped back her upset mood fading into one of anger. "Can one of you two tell me what the fuck your talking about?" Fuming I yell making the three flinch with the hardness in my voice. How hard could it be to tell me what they fucked up on? Maybe I could help them.

Edward's emotions changed to one filled with pain, like a child who broke their mom's favourite vase and was about to get scolded. "Lizzie you should quickly call Carlisle to tell him where you are." He suggested hopefully. Narrowing my eyes at him I give a soft nod and walk a bit away.

Carlisle didn't pick up, not that I'm surprised at this point, so I left a voicemail. "Hey it me, don't know why you're ignoring my calls but whatever it's not like I care, just wanted to let you know Alice came over to the house dragging both Bella and I to Italy. Now Edward and Alice are apologizing sayin' they shouldn't have brought me here. Whatever it's not like you'll answer, you might not even see the message. I just want you to know that I love you and I hope you will finally answer me." I finish the message knowing if I don't I'll end up yelling into my phone crying.

Sighing I put my phone away just as two vampires in cloaks appear telling us to follow them. Edward and Alice try talk their way out of it and a blonde girl looking no older that 17 appeared saying that some dude named Aro is waiting for us. We all then start following the group. I fall behind still recovering from an injury in my leg I obtained from a lovely giant who just wanted his club to say 'hi' to my leg resulting in my bone completely shattering from the impact. (Note the sarcasm?)

The two male vampires slow down to my pace looking at me with a worried expression. Why do they care? I asked myself. "Hi," I muttered on high alert that they could kill me without second thought. I had my weapons but with my leg I have a bit of a disadvantage. "Hello." The shorter one yet still taler than me replied, he looked down at me with a small smile playing on his lips. The taller one was grinning, he looks strong and fast probably the fighter. The shorter one looked smart but he wasn't the brains, tracker. The girl she was the brains.

"I'm Elizabeth Swan but please call me Lizzie." I state less worried of an attack. "Hello Lizzie I'm Felix." I tall one, Felix, spoke up. "Why are you limping?" The shorter one asked leaving his name out, he sounded worried about me. Even though I was a stranger. "I'm Dimitri by the way." He added after a chuckle. "Nice to meet you both, I hurt my leg in a fight my entire bone's broken." Answering his question.

They looked shocked at my blunt answer possibly confused on why I sounded as if this is a common occurrence, which it is. Soon we arrived at a hole, Felix held out his hand for me. "Let me take you down, we don't want you to hurt your leg more." As he said this the girl walked up to us. She was silent so I dicided to talk first, "Hey, I'm Lizzie." She seemed taking aback by the fact I spoke to her, they all did. "My name's Jane." Atleast she answered. Felix then picked me up and we jumped down the hole.

We soon reached a elevator. All of us shuffling in I realised that the Isabella, Edward and Alice were still here. The three looked stiff and alert, worried about something. I don't know why they looked over to Jane, Dimitri and Felix with such fear but everyone to their own. The music in the elevator was horrendous, Nico and Percy's singing is better than this.

Anyways we arrived at the floor we're ment to be on and got off. We walked through endless hallways. The architecture better that that of the Cullens house, but not Olympus, close though. Annabeth would be in literal heaven. We slowed down to a stop at two massive doors. Felix and Dimitri opened the two heavy looking doors with ease. There I came face to face with the three men in Carlisle's painting.



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