12. Going home

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'Beep' 'Ding' 'Beep' 'Ding' 'Beep' 'Ding' 'Beep' 'Ding' 'Beep' 'Ding' 'Beep' 'Ding'

This is what I had the pleasure of waking up to. At 4 in the morning I had a grand total of 163 miss calls and 257 messages sent to me. Most were from Edward, Isabella, Alice, Jas, Rose or Carlisle. I guess they only remember I'm alive when I get dragged to Italy and find out I have three more mates, how nice of them.
Quite literally pissed I decided to pick up my phone, walk to the open window and drop it. I mean I can easily get a new one so, oh well.


After we dropped Elizabeth off in Marcus' room, my brothers and I returned to the throne room to finish with the Cullens. "Did you know?" Caius spoke first as we entered. All three of us were wondering but weren't going to say anything. "No." Alice Cullen said, looking worried. "What are you going to do?" Edward asked, concerned evident in his voice. "We're going to take her there so she can speak with Carlisle of the situation and proceed from there." My reply was vague, knowing it would bother them that they don't know what happens next, but in truth, neither do I.

The answer is up to Elizabeth's decision. "Lizzie." Edward blurted out. "Pardon?" "She likes to be called Lizzie." He finished. Nodding, I request they leave, "We shall see you soon we'll fly to Forks, is it, tomorrow." Cauis said with distaste.


The morning came sooner than I would have liked. We were all scattered around Marcus' room because Marcus made a comment on how it was 'creepy' to watch her sleep. So here we were waiting for her to wake. Suddenly, all you could hear was her phone receiving something. Groaning, she shifted to view her phone, scoffing she muttered something about 'people only caring about her when she gets dragged to Italy and find out she has three other mates'. Caius clenched his fists at her words as Marcus was about to greet her, she then stood up and walked to the window to drop her phone out of it?

"Good morning tesoro." Marcus said with a visible frown. Elizabeth jumped from the sudden noise, "What the actual fuck?" She muttered, running her hand through her hair, "You almost gave me a hart attack."
"Scusa Elizabeth." I responded before Marcus could. "Lizzie." Why would she want someone calling her Lizzie? It's not her name. I wondered silently to myself.

Cauis sighed, standing up and walking towards her. He mumbled something along the line of getting food because she hasn't eaten since she arrived. "I haven't eaten since yesterday morning but it's ok I'm used to it." Conflicted by her words I frown and move closer. "Used to it?" I asked yet it came off as more of a statement. All she did was nod.

"Alright then, if your not hungry we should fet you ready and then we can fly back early." Marcus spoke after a moment in silence. "Actually, I wanted to know what is going to happen when we arrive. You know maybe give me a run down?" She started while walking towards the bed to make it. "Of course." I spoke, watching her freeze in the spot. Was she ok? I glanced at my brothers to see their faces matched my own. "Lizzie?" Marcus started only to be cut off by her cursing. "Son of a bitch." She whispered under her breath. Cauis was next to her in a second. "What is the matter?" He asked sounding worried. She said something about a stupid giant and her stupid leg, which did not ease the worry.

Lizzie took a minute to recover, leaning on Caius for support. None of us spoke, we just stood there in comfortable silence.


Lizzie's POV

We were sitting on the plane in silence, I hadn't spoken much after the incident with my leg. Marcus had been nice enough to pretend it didn't happen and carry on with what was going to happen. The 'plan' was simple and just evolved us all talking about what was happening and how to proceed from here.

On question kept swirling in my mind, 'do I forgive Carlisle for ignoring me for the past few months, I mean he probably has a good explanation for it and will explain.'

e does not...
Cauis and Aro keep sneaking glances at me when I'm not looking, trying to figure out what's wrong.

The plane ride was un eventful as I soon fell asleep. I was woken up by Aro picking me up. "I'll walk." I said. Only to get a 'mhm' as a response. We took a cab to Charlie's house so I could change out of Cauis' shirt, much to his dismay, and into my clothes. For some smart ass reason Alice decided to take my bag that had all my clothes. I unlocked the door to let us all in and lead them upstairs into my room. "Who's the boy?" Cauis growled. As he did that Nico shot up and drew his sword. Shit.

"Whoa, calm down both if you. Nico put it down they won't hurt you." I said as I walked over to pull him into a hug. "Nico this is Caius, Aro and Marcus, their my mates." I introduced them. Nico's eyesgrew as I mentioned the mate situation. "But-" I'll explain later I said through our minds. He gave a quick nod and walked back to his bed to continue reading. Cauis was still glaring at him, what was his problem? "Oh Shit." He was jealous. "Nico's my half brother." I blurted out, seeing all three of them relax. Jealous much?

I quickly left to take a shower, ignoring Nico's pleading look for me not to. It would only take a few minutes any way. The worst that could happen is that Carlisle and the rest arrive while I'm in there...


Sorry for the lack of updates.

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