8. Bella's birthday

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Lizzie's POV

'Have you ever felt like your drowning but everyone around you is breathing fine?'

As I lay holding my side, battling for consciousness, the ground around me a blaze I think to myself is this the end? I've only asked myself that three times in my life, before. But maybe it is. I'm tired. I'm in pain. No one's coming to help. I'm in total shit.

This is the end.

I can feel the blood seeping through my shirt, the wound was relatively deep. As the seconds ticked by it became clearer that hope was lost.

Carlisle POV

Today was Bella's birthday, we were all told not to give gifts as Isabella wasn't on board with the idea of aging but we did anyway, Edward was bringing het over to our house today. Lizzie is coming later today.

Isabella arrived and we all sat down to open the gifts. Bella got a variety of gifts, now it was Lizzie's and mine. As I was speaking she cut her finger on the card. Jason lunged at her and Edward threw her into a shelf behind her. Jasper left soon after followed by the rest but not before getting Jason out the house.

Isabella had obtained a massive cut from Edward's push. Edward stood frozen looking at her with regret filled eyes.

Lizzie POV

Black dots started to fill my eye, the fire now reaching out for me, beckoning me to join it in its path of destruction. The wind whisper dark secrets of the world in my ear, filling my brain with the darkness I've come to learn is most of this world.

My sword not to far from where I lay awaiting the death that is so kindly awaiting to escort me to my end. The wound deep but not the thing that will be my killer, no, the poison that was placed on the blade used for my demise that would be the killer.

Isabella POV

I was sat in Carlisle's office as he cleaned up the blood. Edward was taking me home in a few minutes. My plan failed, someone was supposed to lose control, which they did, and bite me. Instead I got thrown into a shelf, getting cut by glass, and Edward keeps saying sorry like it'll change something.

Carlisle had cleaned up my cuts, there weren't deep or anything so it probably won't scar. As time goes by I hear Edward and Carlisle talk outside his door. "We have to Carlisle we're going to hurt them." Edward's voice was rushed. All I got from Carlisle was mumbles and Lizzie's name.

Lizzie and Nico are out of town. Something about their friends being endangered along with their school/camp.

Nico POV

'If I had one more second with you, and it'd be my last, I would smile knowing that the last person I saw was the person who meant the world to me. Knowing you're safe.'

Running was an understatement of what I was doing, unanswered questions swarming every inch of my mind. Where are we? Who's chasing us? Is Liz safe?

The forest was dense and hard to navigate but I need to find our bag we left with our phones. I need to call Carlisle for help. This mission was a set up used to lure Liz, Thalia and I to them. They know kidnapping Annabeth would get us all here and even get Percy here. Now we're all split up and running through a forest that has no end.

I see the tree that hid our bag, I quickly dial Carlisle number still hopeful that we would make it. "Hello?" Carlisle answer after a few rings, he sounded confused on why I was calling. "Do you know where we are?" My question came out rushed and barely audible, I was sure that if any mortal could hear me they would be able to process my words. "Yes, your in a forest not to far from here why? What has happened? Is everything okay?" His voice laced with confusion and worried. "How fast can you get here, with your family?" I wasn't going to lie to him saying we're all safe, I don't even know where Liz, Thalia, Annabeth or Percy is. All I know is this stupid forest is crawling with monster that only have one goal. Kill us.

"We'll be there in 7 minutes is that ok?" He muttered some cuss words you would only gear Lizzie use and call for his family. "Hurry, I don't know where anyone is we had to spilt." I begged. "Fuck." Was all I heard as the line went dead.

Lizzie POV

I was trying to put pressure on my cut but the poison that had now entered my blood stream burnt. I felt as if I was on fire just like the ground around me. I know I need to move or I'll burn to death but I'm unable to move. Paralyzed.

In my blurry vision I see Thalia running to me with tears in her eyes. I feel her cold hands grab me, pulling me away from the flames. "Stay with me Liz, please. Think about that guy your seeing, you can't leave him. You can't leave me!" I was barely able to hear her screaming but I knew enough about her to know I need to fight for as long as I can. "Mmm" was all I could mutter but it was enough for her to know I heard her and I would try. "Hey, don't close your eyes. Come on you've got this." It sounded like she was trying to convince herself that I would survive but I gave a small nod in return. The cut that ran across my nose and a bit of my right cheek stung as my salty tears ran down.

Seconds later I see Jasper appear out of nowhere and rush to me. "What happened? Where are you hurt the most?" His voice sent calming waves to m. I slowly move my hand to the right side of my stomach. He lifted my shirt reveling my wound to both him and Thalia. "Oh my Fuck." Thalia's whispered as she covered her mouth in shock. Jasper flinched when seeing it and made me realise that he could smell my blood.

I pulled my shirt over it again shaking my head. "Liz I'll be fine, let me call Carlisle though." He ran off and Thalia looked at me shocked. "Why didn't you tell me it was that bad?" Her voice broke, "Why are you dating a vampire by the way?" I softly smiled at her last question silently telling her that I would share after this was all over.

Carlisle then speed led over to me looking horrified by my state. "Hey." I croaked. "Love," His voice was filled with pain, "let's get you home." He bent down to wrap my stomach with a bandage. When he saw the wound he gasped. "It's poisoned." He states sorrowfully. I nodded sadly. He suddenly picks me up and started running home, I closed my eyes to avoid drying them out as I did the first time.

"Open your eyes for me please love." Carlisle's sweet voice asked. I opened them only to see we were in his office. He softly kisses my forehead and then gets to work. Sometime while he was cleaning my cuts I started drifting off. Finally falling asleep.

Nico POV

The Cullens appeared not long after I called all of them searching for one of us, most probably Lizzie. Carlisle stayed back to clean my wounds, Jasper then arrived looking worried. We both knew this was about Lizzie, he had then explained how he found her and her deep cut on her stomach. Carlisle then left as Jasper stayed behind to take me home, soon everyone met up here. Rose carried Annabeth Emmett had Percy and Alice helped a crying Thalia.

We all got carried to their house, semi-conscious and bleeding. Edward had taken Isabella home as it was her birthday and something had happened.

Carlisle came out of his office twenty minutes after we arrived blood everywhere. He then started to help us as we all passed out due to exhaustion.

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