Any Other Day

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(No POV)

It was morning in the Addison apartments and the bus was getting here in 10 minutes yet Sal was still in bed fighting to wake up while Larry was screaming at him blasting sanity falls into Sal's ears as loud as possible in an attempt to wake him like.. any other day

L: Wake the fuck up its 5 past 7:30 the bus gets here at 7:45 if you don't wake the fuck up I am leaving your ass here

S: Chill the fuck out, I'll be up in a minute I'm already dressed

L: You're wearing the clothes you slept in?!

S: Yeah what's the problem they don't smell bad

L: Whatever

S: Yeah it's not like you can talk

L: Let's just go

Larry and Sal go to the bus stop where Ash and Todd were already waiting
Like any other day...

A: What took you guys so long?

L: I don't know ask Sal

S: Dude I was already ready right before we left you just had to go back inside and grab your headphones

L: Well if I wasn't busy trying to get you up I wouldn't have forgotten them

A: you guys fight like married fags

T: I'm right here Ash

A: Well you know I didn't mean it like that

L: guys let's just get on the bus it's already pulling up

(Sal POV)

I wish I didn't have to come here anymore I can't stand seeing him... usually a lot of people hate me and it's okay but it's just different with him his glares make me feel so weak and physically sick... I wish he'd look at me in a different way maybe a different glare.. like you know. I honestly feel a lot of sympathy for him I probably shouldn't but he always comes to school with a new bruise or a black eye you know he might not be the best person but that doesn't change that I... ah never mind umm I should not be thinking of him like that since me and Ash I guess have something going on everyone tells me she's leading me on though and I'm not exactly how I feel about her anymore maybe I just liked the idea of her you know..

(No POV)

L: Sal are you good the bell just rang and you're totally zoned out

S: Just lost in thought I guess

L: okay well I need to get to class like right now I'll cya later

Larry leaves ahead of Sal and while Sal starts walking towards his class Travis pops up behind him dragging him by his shirt collar into the bathroom

S: What the hell is your problem

Trav: My problem? I'll show you my fucking problem!

Travis grabs Sal and pushes him onto the ground as hard as he can the slam onto the ground knocked the wind out of Sal, Sal struggling to breathe whines and kicks his feet. Travis chuckling getting amusement from watching him struggle to do really anything in the moment.. but Sal gets up and is pissed for obvious reasons he grabs Travis and pins him against the wall with furious fireball like eyes but he doesn't do anything instead he takes off his prosthetic and...

kisses him?

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