What Now?

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Continuing Story In The Bathroom
(Sal POV)

Surprisingly the kiss was going on for a long time I have to be honest though I'm like terrified aren't kisses supposed to be relaxing or something I'm just overwhelmed with guilt I feel gross what if Travis hates me after this. And to my horrors Travis finally parts from the kiss looking furious.

(No POV)

Trav: What the fuck I'm not a faggot

Instead of responding Sal just runs out crying

Trav: Dude the fuck he kissed me why is he crying

Trav: Shit... did I like that?

(Sal POV)
Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit fuck did I say holy shit I'm like losing my shit fuck fuck fuck and I'm technically skipping fuck! it's only first period, what the hell do I do. You know what I'm just gonna go to a different bathroom to skip because no way I'm going back in there and I honestly prefer absent than a tardy.

(No POV)

Sal walks into the bathroom on the other side of the school stumbles into the stall and just sits there letting his thoughts tear him apart as he feels stuck not knowing what to do

(Sal POV)

Why'd I have to do it at the beginning of the school now it's gonna be like this all day how much time is even left in this period how the fuck am I going to go through the rest of the school... well to think about it I could probably call Lisa and say I'm sick she'd probably take me home in a heartbeat.

(No POV)
Sal walks to the nurses office with his best poker face fake sobbing and everything not that he needed to fake it that much as he assumed Lisa ended up picking him up he could tell Lisa knew he wasn't actually sick but she could tell he was really overwhelmed and looked like he was about to snap like a pencil Lisa couldn't help but feel sympathy.

L: hey maybe when we get home you just sleep okay?

S: okay..

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